Statement from Channel 4 Chairman Luke Johnson

Category: News Release

Luke Johnson, Chairman

Speaking at today's meeting of Channel 4's board of directors, its chairman Luke Johnson, said: "The Channel 4 board recognises that the events of the last week on Celebrity Big Brother have provoked an unprecedented level of public complaint. We believe this has triggered an important debate

"Clearly many people were worried and offended by what they saw. I want to reassure them that we take the views of our audience very seriously and profoundly regret any offence that may have been caused.

"On behalf of the board the Chief Executive and I have commissioned a review of the editorial and compliance processes that support Big Brother. The board will receive a full report and seek to identify any lessons that can be learned for the future. The programme remains on air for a further week and the channel is focused on its completion.

"We are expecting to hear from Ofcom in the near future detailing the nature and number of complaints they have received and requesting a formal response to their questions. Our own review will also help support this process.

"All board members of Channel 4 abhor racism. We are also committed to ensuring that the channel continues to fulfil its remit to explore important social issues."