
Category: News Release

AGE:  25
FROM: Oxfordshire  
LIVING: In New York for 18 months, living in Manhattan
OCCUPATION:  Model/Presenter/Blogger  


Sumner moved to New York after winning America’s Next top Model and scoring a US contract. She had previously come fifth on Britain’s Next top Model and prior to living in New York resided in London, Asia and then LA
She’s a hugely popular model in Malaysia which has made her a celebrity of sorts out there, while she’s still relatively unknown in the US. She spends a large chunk of the year living and working in Malaysia and is now keen to create the same degree of success stateside.
Within the TNY group she is good friends with Sophie and has met Georgina as a result of their friendship, she also makes quite an impression with the boys.

Sumner is currently trying to cement a multi-faceted career in modelling and presenting.  Her most recent editorial credits include Vogue Italia and she’s worked on campaigns for Cover Girl and Puma to name but two.  Modelling wise Sophie has also been recognised by Vogue online as “One to Watch” for the upcoming year.

Currently single, Sumner has been on a few dates here and there but she is looking for someone “she can have fun with.”


What made you decide to move to New York?
My sister moved to New York when I was 10, I came out to visit her with my parents and totally fell in love! I am from the real English countryside so New York was like this crazy place that I totally fell in love with…  Sex in the City and Gossip Girl didn't help either!!

Is New York life different to how you thought it would be and what people see in shows like Girls and FRIENDS?
Actually it’s kind of the same!!!! Its honestly the smallest place, everyone knows everything about everyone, we all live so close to each other, kind of like FRIENDS! Everyone’s trying to fulfil their own dreams but the special thing about New York is that people are willing to help you along the way. Girls is a pretty good representation it really captures the insane highs as well as the real lows…

What do you miss most from home and what are the best and worst things about living in New York?
Hand on heart I miss a good cup of tea - you have no idea, me and Sophie have this argument is it the milk or the water that’s different? I think they may have weird cows out here. I miss my family and my dog Darcy so, so, so much!! My sister had her second child and I still haven't met him - things like that can really get you down. On the other side, this city is one of the most addictive and mesmerising cities. I feel like a little kid who has been given a big shiny key to the ultimate playground. There is always something going on, there are always people to meet, things to do, places to explore and everything is on your doorstep… It truly never sleeps, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I also love how friendly Americans are, I know some people aren't so keen, but you can literally meet people anywhere!

Tell us your top 3 highlights since landing in New York?
Every time I land coming over the Williamsburg Bridge and seeing the sky line of New York - it’s so exciting to think that’s what I call home. Any time at the Bowery Hotel… Good lord that place provides some memories!
Meeting Patti Smith at the Opera, I sat opposite her at dinner and literally died…

Which of the cast do you fancy the most?
Ha ha, have you seen the boys they are all absolutely bloody gorgeous?!

And have you done anything about it?! Or anything with the rest of the cast that may ruin your chances?!
I may have had some encounters with these young gentleman…