Syria's Torture Machine

Category: News Release

TX: Monday 19th December, 11:10pm, Channel 4.

An investigation into the detention and torture of Syrian civilians featuring shocking video evidence of men, women and children being subjected to beatings, whippings and more elaborate torture. In this film, victims, refugees and activists who have experienced or witnessed such brutality at the hands of Syrian President's al-Assad's forces speak out. Their stories, combined with the torture footage refute President Assad's claims that his forces are simply quelling an armed insurgency.

The United Nations says 3,500 people have been killed in Syria since the popular protests began to emerge in February, and that the regime's security forces have committed ‘crimes against humanity' in their crackdown on protesters.  Thousands of people - mainly young men - have been detained.  Many have been brutally abused - the most recent UN report contains allegations of torture, sexual assaults and murder and details cases involving children - including a two-year-old girl reportedly shot to death so she would not grow up to be a demonstrator.

One young man who is British-based tells the programme about his arrest on arrival in Syria for writing material critical of the regime. He recounts in devastating detail the different torture techniques used to extract information -  being hung by his hands for eight days until his feet swelled up and he was screaming in pain to being water-boarded for three days and beaten unconscious. He also faced threats of his female relatives being raped. He witnessed cells full of other detainees and heard continuous screaming. He was lucky to make it out alive - many others have not.

As journalists and international organisations are prevented from carrying out free and independent observation protestors are uploading hundreds of videos every week to the internet, desperate to show the world what's happening.  In this programme, such mobile phone video footage taken by Syrian civilians, activists and, in some cases the torturers themselves is subjected to journalistic verification processes.

The footage clearly shows bound victims being subjected to thrashings, tramplings, whippings and verbal abuse. The fear on the victims' faces is all too evident as are the injuries. The videos demonstrate the dreadful range of torture techniques employed. The film also examines evidence obtained by families even as they mourn their loved ones including photographic evidence showing the horrific scars and bruising that led to painful deaths.

The film features interviews with internationally renowned experts commenting on Syria's notorious use of torture in the past and during the present upheaval.  Amnesty International has written numerous reports documenting the prevalence of torture in Syria. They have documented information on over fifty cases where there is evidence of torture or other ill-treatment that caused or contributed to the deaths.

This film, which will be preceded by warnings about the shocking content, for the first time on television, pieces together evidence to reveal the widespread atrocities being committed by security forces.

Exec Prod: Chris Shaw
Comm Ed: Siobhan Sinnerton
Prod Co: ITN Productions