Time Team

Category: News Release

The nation's longest running and most popular history series returns for a nineteenth season. Tony Robinson continues to lead the team of enthusiastic experts and eccentrics as they solve the mysteries and puzzles posed by new unexplored sites right across the country.

This season, the team travel to the edge of the West Wales coast on a windy promontory, to try and discover whether the site's occupation dates back to the Dark Ages, the Romans or prehistoric times and to get there they have to brave a 300 metre zip wire from the mainland. The team also visit Essex, where they search for the grand house of the De Vere family and the grave of the most famous De Vere - who may have written some of Shakespeare's plays.  In Swansea, the team get their hands dirty uncovering remains of the copper industry that led the world and made the town wealthy in the 19th century; and on the Suffolk coast, they recreate Dunwich, once a thriving and important medieval port - now just a few houses waiting to fall finally into the sea.

Add in a Roman fort, a buried medieval town, a lost castle, a royal hunting lodge, a cliff top cemetery, a Shropshire village with a hole in the middle and that's a classic new series of Time Team.

Production Company
Videotext Communications