Tony Fletcher

Category: News Release

AGE: 70

OCCUPATION:  Retired Chief Inspector of Police

FROM:  North Yorkshire

The oldest of the group, Tony Fletcher is a retired Chief Inspector of Police from North Yorkshire. A ‘firm and a fair copper’, he joined the police force at 15 and rose through the ranks. Tony is highly organised and likes to have clear priorities and a good to-do list – he credits this to his years in the police force.

Tony wanted to go on the island to prove that at 70 you can have a challenge at any time of life. He describes himself as a ‘bit of a nosey person’ and always likes to know what is going on in his local community.

What did you learn taking part in the series?
I learned that at 70 years old I can still 'cut the mustard' and that my wide experience of life was very valuable on the island.

It confirmed for me that it is still possible to move forward and continue to learn, I felt I gained a great deal from being with the team, particularly the five young men under 30 with whom I spent a lot of time hearing about their issues/problems/social habits etc.

Has your time on the island changed your perspective on life?
Yes this experience has changed my perspective, the thing I found most tough whilst on the island was the total loss of contact with my wife and family and it is easy to take that for granted, which I know I have been guilty of in the past.