Top Boy character list

Category: News Release

Dushane, 27 - Ashley Walters

‘Top Boy’ Dushane is now running Summerhouse without his best-friend, Sully. His business relationship with his boss, Joe has blossomed and they are about to move into the big time with a large shipment of drugs.  But Dushane misses Sully, particularly when he is confronted by a new enemy. With his reputation as Top Boy on the line, Dushane must take drastic action to keep hold of his new-found power – and needs Sully on side again.

Sully, 26 - Kane Robinson

Since his split with Dushane, Sully has teamed up with Mike, a violent tempered ex-prisoner, to establish himself as a rival to Dushane. Still angry with Dushane for ejecting him from Summerhouse, he might have to swallow his pride when a ‘hit’ he and Mike attempt goes badly wrong. Deep down Sully knows that Mike is a liability, and is forced to face the reality that he and Dushane were a good team.

Dris, 21 - Shone Romulus

Having taken over from Sully as Dushane's right hand man, Dris is feeling the pressure of his promotion. He must keep the gang’s youngers in check and also has sole responsibility for his young daughter, Erin. He is willing to go to extreme lengths to help Dushane hold onto Summerhouse and to make sure they stay out of prison when the police come after them for Kamale's murder.

Rhianna, 30 - Lorraine Burroughs

Despite her success, this smart and ambitious solicitor is frustrated at how little her salary buys her. A risk taker, she is willing to speculate to get the money she needs to build a better life.  She is attracted by Dushane’s ambition and intelligence. Their genuine empathy is based on their shared background and mutual desire to improve their lives.

Mike, 35 - Paul Anderson

In prison for the past nine years for armed robbery, Mike has a violent past, a volatile temper and some warped ideas about the world. He teams up with Sully to do some armed robberies, with the intention of establishing a drugs business to rival Dushane's in Summerhouse. Mike is needed by Sully, but their relationship is nothing like the brotherhood Dushane and Sully shared – and Mike knows it.

Joe, 62 - David Hayman

Dushane's old boss from series one, Bobby Raikes, worked for Joe. Though a hardened, violent criminal, Joe still plays by the rules of the game and is a loyal friend.  With Dushane’s former boss Raikes dead, Joe and Dushane are now business partners. Over the last year they have grown to become close associates, and at the beginning of series two they are moving into the big time with their biggest ever shipment of drugs.

Ra’Nell, 15 - Malcolm Kamulete

Passionate about football, Ra'Nell is focused on his upcoming trial for a local youth squad. He practises every day and does everything he can to stay clear of the world of drugs. But when his best friend Gem runs into trouble with a local drug dealer, Ra'Nell is drawn into danger.

Lisa, 36 - Sharon Duncan Brewster

Newly recovered from her breakdown, Lisa is getting back on track by running a local hair salon with her friend Zoe. Lisa’s relationship with her son Ra'Nell is strained to breaking point, however, when he and Gem cross paths with a local drug dealer. This forces Lisa to turn to an unlikely source for help. Life becomes more desperate still when property developers show interest in buying up the entire parade of shops where she works. 

Gem, 15 - Giacomo Mancini

Having managed to lose an entire crop of cannabis in the weed farm he has been looking after, Gem is forced to deliver and collect drugs for local dealer Vincent.  As the jobs become more dangerous, and with no prospect of escape, Gem is forced to turn to best friend Ra'Nell for help.

Vincent, 44 - Benedict Wong

An entrepreneur and the owner of a local supermarket, Vincent uses this shop as a front for his Hackney punk farm (cannabis) business. A ruthless and organised criminal, Vincent provides equipment for others to set up the farms, and then buys the crop from them at a discounted price.

Michael, 12 - Xavien Russell

An intelligent, creative boy who is a good student and a budding rapper, Michael is also a loyal member of Dushane's crew. For Michael, Dushane is a father figure, and he is desperate to win his approval. Michael dreams of moving up the ranks and becoming Dushane's number one. But arrested for shoplifting, and put under intense police pressure, his loyalty to Dushane is severely tested.