Troy launches with spectacular figures

Category: News Release

Troy – E4’s spectacular new series showcasing the incredible talents of magician Troy Von Schreiber gave the channel one of its most successful launches for an original commission last night with an average of 800, 000 viewers and a 4.71% share -  up an impressive 201%  on volume and 194% on share. 

The series, which sees Londoner Troy uses everyday objects and situations to baffle and amaze unsuspecting members of the public aired in the 2200 slot (2200-2259) during which time E4 was the top channel for 16-34s with a share of 12.70%.  

It also bettered the launches of both Tricked and Dynamo, which rated at 738k / 3.47%.  and 710k / 3.02% respectively.

Troy was E4’s third highest origination launch ever and the best for five years. It is behind Skins and Dead Set.

Troy was also the most tweeted about show on TV yesterday with 16,967 tweets and #troy trending worldwide.