The Undateables: Richard bio

Category: News Release


Twenty-five-year old Richard from Wiltshire dreams of the high life “my dream lifestyle … would be owning a private jet, a collection fleet of yachts, having a number of houses and villas around the world”. When it comes to a girlfriend, his expectations are also sky high - his dream girl would live in Chelsea or Mayfair and be ‘someone who’d love to live an expensive, jet-set lifestyle’  


Richard would love to find someone to settle down with but is still ‘very much on virgin territory’ when it comes to dating. The closest he’s ever come to having a girlfriend was ‘a girl at primary school, but of course she’s moved on now’.


Richard has Asperger syndrome and worries that he may say and do the wrong thing around girls. He hopes his date won’t wear a low cut top as he’s ‘very worried about accidentally looking in the wrong place’.


When Richard is matched with twenty-eight-year-old Tammy, will he manage to woo her with posh afternoon tea at a five star hotel?