Undercover Boss

Category: News Release

Episode 1: Jacqueline and Vanessa Gold from Ann Summers

In the first in the series the sisters at the helm of Britain's largest adult retailer, Ann Summers, go undercover to see what is really going on in their stores.

Ann Summers has 148 stores across the UK and an army of 7,500 women selling products from home. CEO Jacqueline Gold and her sister Vanessa both work in the family business and are proud of their successes, changing the brand from one frequented by the male "raincoat brigade" to a high street staple largely visited by women.  Last year alone the company sold over 2.5million Rampant Rabbit vibrators.

CEO Jacqueline Gold has a high profile as one of Britain's most famous businesswomen and as such it is her younger sister Vanessa, and Deputy Managing Director of the company, who is donning a disguise and going undercover.


Vanessa has worked in the family business since the age of 16 and is perfectly placed to go undercover. However she is incredibly nervous:

"The thing that I am dreading is actually dealing with the customers; working in an environment that I have never worked in before and not being good at it."

Discarding her Jimmy Choo's for a frumpy disguise of red wig, flat shoes and glasses does little to increase Vanessa's confidence, but armed with a back story she hits the high streets under the guise of ‘Julia Young', a woman returning to work after years of unemployment. 

Vanessa's first destination undercover is an Ann Summers store in Blackburn. Although partly responsible for designing the look and feel of the stores, Vanessa admits that this store at least looks a bit ‘tired'. Posing as a trainee Vanessa is encouraged to learn from the sales team on the shop floor as they sell Ann Summers products to the largely female clientele. Vanessa's anxiety is obvious. Although she has worked in the business for years when it comes to actually speaking to customers she is clearly uncomfortable and is quickly demoted to cleaning the changing rooms instead.

Faced with the public she is shocked by their questions and admits she had not considered some of them- such as how loud the vibrators are - apparently a crucial factor for the women who have children. She concedes she can learn a lot from the sales staff who have face-to-face contact with the customer every day.

It is all a bit much for Vanessa and at the end of the first day her confidence is low. Although she is clearly not enjoying herself, she gets stuck in to join two of the Blackburn staff members, Jess and May, in hosting an infamous Ann Summers party.  Over 4,000 parties are held in the UK every week. Whist they are known for their fun and games, the emphasis is on selling products.  Vanessa goes along to see how they can be improved to make them even more profitable. As the party gets underway she loses some of her reticence and joins in the fun and games, but it is not long before May questions Vanessa's back story and also asks outright why she is wearing a wig. Clearly mortified Vanessa manages to maintain her back story although is glad to leave and move on to another store.

In Exeter, Vanessa visits a store that was underperforming but has seen a recent uplift in sales since store manager Carol joined the branch. Carol is an Ann Summers veteran with over 8 years experience. Once again Vanessa has to try and work on the shop floor but this time no-nonsense Carol won't stand for her hiding away. Vanessa has to make a sale. 

Vanessa shadows Ellie, an 18-year-old part time sales assistant, who has not been at the store for long. Ellie serves a group of young men who are sniggering and laughing at the products. Her cool and professional demeanour impresses Vanessa who puts her technique into action and lands her first sale. Vanessa talks to Ellie and finds out that she has had a tough upbringing and would like to work full time in the store but there are no positions available. Ann Summers tends to only employ people on a part-time basis but Vanessa realises quickly that she is losing some talented staff with this policy.

Next Vanessa is off to the first ever Ann Summers store in Bristol. It remains the only licensed sex shop in the chain. Recently sales have been falling and Vanessa quickly hears from manager Laura that it is because head office are sending stock that the unlicensed stores sell, and this shop no longer caters to their clientele. Laura is clear about the problems the store is facing and without knowing who she is airing her views to makes it clear that she feels Ann Summers has lost its edge.

As the undercover mission comes to an end an unsuspecting Jess and Mae from the Blackburn store, Ellie from Exeter and Laura from Bristol are all called to head office to meet the Managing Director. Will they recognise Vanessa without the wig and glasses, and what feedback will she give them about their positions within the Ann Summers company?


Undercover Boss, Tuesdays from 5th July, 9pm, Channel 4


Undercover Boss returns for a third series with six new, high-profile business bosses  leaving the comfort of their corner offices  to surreptitiously join their own work force in an undercover mission to examine the inner workings of their company.

Each week, the bosses work incognito alongside their employees, learning about the effects their decisions have on their workers and where the problems may lie within the organisation. 

Exposed to both the good and the bad sides of the business, these bosses will hear what their employees really think about how the company is run while discovering the talented unsung heroes who take great pride in making the company a success.  

After a challenging and enlightening few days it's up to the boss to reveal their true identity to their unsuspecting staff. It's an emotional and empowering climax as they explain what they have learnt, the changes they want to make and the ways in which they want to show appreciation to the employees who've been doing an outstanding job.

Unrecognised talent will be rewarded but it's the poor performers who'll have nowhere to hide.

The bosses who have already got their mitts mucky are:


Episode 1: Tuesday 5 July, 9pm, Channel 4

Jacqueline and Vanessa Gold from Ann Summers.

(NB Scroll further down the page for more information on this episode)

Jacqueline Gold the CEO of Ann Summers is one of Britain's most well-known businesswomen. She has developed the family business from the domain of the male "raincoat brigade" to a taboo-busting, female-friendly high street staple. Too famous to go undercover herself, Jacqueline sends Deputy MD and younger sister Vanessa undercover to visit Ann Summers stores across the UK. Despite having worked for the UK's leading adult retailer since the age of 16, Vanessa has to overcome extreme nervousness when face to face with her customers and their often intimate questions about the products on sale.  But is her reticence to talk sex echoed by the staff and customers around her or has the brand got too safe for even the high street?


Episode 2: Tuesday 12 July, 9pm, Channel 4

Andrew Withers from Southern Fried Chicken

Andrew Withers heads up Southern Fried Chicken, the business his father began back in the 1960's. Andrew feels passionately that the SFC brand in the UK is in need of an overhaul and is at odds with the carefully constructed image he has spent years developing for the brand in 70 countries overseas. In the UK it is synonymous with post-pub, late night binge eats rather than a family restaurant. But why are the 200 UK franchises not living up to his expectations? Andrew spends some time behind the counter to find out, and his shocking discoveries about the staff, the food, and the customers leave him with more than a sour taste in his mouth. Can Andrew get his business back on track?


Episode 3:

Kim Hamilton is the Chief Executive of the Blue Cross

Kim Hamilton heads one of the UK's leading animal welfare charities, and the first charity to undergo the Undercover Boss treatment.  Having previously spent over 20 years climbing the ranks in city banks, she now uses her business skills in the charitable sector. But ditching her suits for scrubs requires a different skill set, and hiding her identity from the staff and volunteers who are the backbone of the charity is even tougher. Can she pose as a volunteer without being unmasked? And what lessons will she learn that will shape the future of the charity from a spell cleaning kennels and helping cats give birth?


Episode 4:

Nikki King OBE from Isuzu Truck (UK)

Nikki King OBE is the Managing Director of Japanese truck dealers Isuzu Truck UK. Nikki has worked her way up the business ladder in the male dominated industry of trucks but only started working "in a serious job" aged 40, following a divorce.  Nikki's rise to the top has been meteoric, but in these tough economic times will Nikki's return to the shop floor give her the insight and understanding to steer the company to greater success?


Episodes 5 and 6 TBA


Episode 1: Jacqueline and Vanessa Gold from Ann Summers

In the first in the series the sisters at the helm of Britain's largest adult retailer, Ann Summers, go undercover to see what is really going on in their stores.

Ann Summers has 148 stores across the UK and an army of 7,500 women selling products from home. CEO Jacqueline Gold and her sister Vanessa both work in the family business and are proud of their successes, changing the brand from one frequented by the male "raincoat brigade" to a high street staple largely visited by women.  Last year alone the company sold over 2.5million Rampant Rabbit vibrators.

CEO Jacqueline Gold has a high profile as one of Britain's most famous businesswomen and as such it is her younger sister Vanessa, and Deputy Managing Director of the company, who is donning a disguise and going undercover.


Vanessa has worked in the family business since the age of 16 and is perfectly placed to go undercover. However she is incredibly nervous:

"The thing that I am dreading is actually dealing with the customers; working in an environment that I have never worked in before and not being good at it."

Discarding her Jimmy Choo's for a frumpy disguise of red wig, flat shoes and glasses does little to increase Vanessa's confidence, but armed with a back story she hits the high streets under the guise of ‘Julia Young', a woman returning to work after years of unemployment. 

Vanessa's first destination undercover is an Ann Summers store in Blackburn. Although partly responsible for designing the look and feel of the stores, Vanessa admits that this store at least looks a bit ‘tired'. Posing as a trainee Vanessa is encouraged to learn from the sales team on the shop floor as they sell Ann Summers products to the largely female clientele. Vanessa's anxiety is obvious. Although she has worked in the business for years when it comes to actually speaking to customers she is clearly uncomfortable and is quickly demoted to cleaning the changing rooms instead.

Faced with the public she is shocked by their questions and admits she had not considered some of them- such as how loud the vibrators are - apparently a crucial factor for the women who have children. She concedes she can learn a lot from the sales staff who have face-to-face contact with the customer every day.

It is all a bit much for Vanessa and at the end of the first day her confidence is low. Although she is clearly not enjoying herself, she gets stuck in to join two of the Blackburn staff members, Jess and May, in hosting an infamous Ann Summers party.  Over 4,000 parties are held in the UK every week. Whist they are known for their fun and games, the emphasis is on selling products.  Vanessa goes along to see how they can be improved to make them even more profitable. As the party gets underway she loses some of her reticence and joins in the fun and games, but it is not long before May questions Vanessa's back story and also asks outright why she is wearing a wig. Clearly mortified Vanessa manages to maintain her back story although is glad to leave and move on to another store.

In Exeter, Vanessa visits a store that was underperforming but has seen a recent uplift in sales since store manager Carol joined the branch. Carol is an Ann Summers veteran with over 8 years experience. Once again Vanessa has to try and work on the shop floor but this time no-nonsense Carol won't stand for her hiding away. Vanessa has to make a sale. 

Vanessa shadows Ellie, an 18-year-old part time sales assistant, who has not been at the store for long. Ellie serves a group of young men who are sniggering and laughing at the products. Her cool and professional demeanour impresses Vanessa who puts her technique into action and lands her first sale. Vanessa talks to Ellie and finds out that she has had a tough upbringing and would like to work full time in the store but there are no positions available. Ann Summers tends to only employ people on a part-time basis but Vanessa realises quickly that she is losing some talented staff with this policy.

Next Vanessa is off to the first ever Ann Summers store in Bristol. It remains the only licensed sex shop in the chain. Recently sales have been falling and Vanessa quickly hears from manager Laura that it is because head office are sending stock that the unlicensed stores sell, and this shop no longer caters to their clientele. Laura is clear about the problems the store is facing and without knowing who she is airing her views to makes it clear that she feels Ann Summers has lost its edge.

As the undercover mission comes to an end an unsuspecting Jess and Mae from the Blackburn store, Ellie from Exeter and Laura from Bristol are all called to head office to meet the Managing Director. Will they recognise Vanessa without the wig and glasses, and what feedback will she give them about their positions within the Ann Summers company?


Undercover Boss, Tuesdays from 5th July, 9pm, Channel 4


Undercover Boss returns for a third series with six new, high-profile business bosses  leaving the comfort of their corner offices  to surreptitiously join their own work force in an undercover mission to examine the inner workings of their company.

Each week, the bosses work incognito alongside their employees, learning about the effects their decisions have on their workers and where the problems may lie within the organisation. 

Exposed to both the good and the bad sides of the business, these bosses will hear what their employees really think about how the company is run while discovering the talented unsung heroes who take great pride in making the company a success.  

After a challenging and enlightening few days it's up to the boss to reveal their true identity to their unsuspecting staff. It's an emotional and empowering climax as they explain what they have learnt, the changes they want to make and the ways in which they want to show appreciation to the employees who've been doing an outstanding job.

Unrecognised talent will be rewarded but it's the poor performers who'll have nowhere to hide.

The bosses who have already got their mitts mucky are:


Episode 1: Tuesday 5 July, 9pm, Channel 4

Jacqueline and Vanessa Gold from Ann Summers.

(NB Scroll further down the page for more information on this episode)

Jacqueline Gold the CEO of Ann Summers is one of Britain's most well-known businesswomen. She has developed the family business from the domain of the male "raincoat brigade" to a taboo-busting, female-friendly high street staple. Too famous to go undercover herself, Jacqueline sends Deputy MD and younger sister Vanessa undercover to visit Ann Summers stores across the UK. Despite having worked for the UK's leading adult retailer since the age of 16, Vanessa has to overcome extreme nervousness when face to face with her customers and their often intimate questions about the products on sale.  But is her reticence to talk sex echoed by the staff and customers around her or has the brand got too safe for even the high street?


Episode 2: Tuesday 12 July, 9pm, Channel 4

Andrew Withers from Southern Fried Chicken

Andrew Withers heads up Southern Fried Chicken, the business his father began back in the 1960's. Andrew feels passionately that the SFC brand in the UK is in need of an overhaul and is at odds with the carefully constructed image he has spent years developing for the brand in 70 countries overseas. In the UK it is synonymous with post-pub, late night binge eats rather than a family restaurant. But why are the 200 UK franchises not living up to his expectations? Andrew spends some time behind the counter to find out, and his shocking discoveries about the staff, the food, and the customers leave him with more than a sour taste in his mouth. Can Andrew get his business back on track?


Episode 3:

Kim Hamilton is the Chief Executive of the Blue Cross

Kim Hamilton heads one of the UK's leading animal welfare charities, and the first charity to undergo the Undercover Boss treatment.  Having previously spent over 20 years climbing the ranks in city banks, she now uses her business skills in the charitable sector. But ditching her suits for scrubs requires a different skill set, and hiding her identity from the staff and volunteers who are the backbone of the charity is even tougher. Can she pose as a volunteer without being unmasked? And what lessons will she learn that will shape the future of the charity from a spell cleaning kennels and helping cats give birth?


Episode 4:

Nikki King OBE from Isuzu Truck (UK)

Nikki King OBE is the Managing Director of Japanese truck dealers Isuzu Truck UK. Nikki has worked her way up the business ladder in the male dominated industry of trucks but only started working "in a serious job" aged 40, following a divorce.  Nikki's rise to the top has been meteoric, but in these tough economic times will Nikki's return to the shop floor give her the insight and understanding to steer the company to greater success?


Episodes 5 and 6 TBA


Episode 1: Jacqueline and Vanessa Gold from Ann Summers

In the first in the series the sisters at the helm of Britain's largest adult retailer, Ann Summers, go undercover to see what is really going on in their stores.

Ann Summers has 148 stores across the UK and an army of 7,500 women selling products from home. CEO Jacqueline Gold and her sister Vanessa both work in the family business and are proud of their successes, changing the brand from one frequented by the male "raincoat brigade" to a high street staple largely visited by women.  Last year alone the company sold over 2.5million Rampant Rabbit vibrators.

CEO Jacqueline Gold has a high profile as one of Britain's most famous businesswomen and as such it is her younger sister Vanessa, and Deputy Managing Director of the company, who is donning a disguise and going undercover.


Vanessa has worked in the family business since the age of 16 and is perfectly placed to go undercover. However she is incredibly nervous:

"The thing that I am dreading is actually dealing with the customers; working in an environment that I have never worked in before and not being good at it."

Discarding her Jimmy Choo's for a frumpy disguise of red wig, flat shoes and glasses does little to increase Vanessa's confidence, but armed with a back story she hits the high streets under the guise of ‘Julia Young', a woman returning to work after years of unemployment. 

Vanessa's first destination undercover is an Ann Summers store in Blackburn. Although partly responsible for designing the look and feel of the stores, Vanessa admits that this store at least looks a bit ‘tired'. Posing as a trainee Vanessa is encouraged to learn from the sales team on the shop floor as they sell Ann Summers products to the largely female clientele. Vanessa's anxiety is obvious. Although she has worked in the business for years when it comes to actually speaking to customers she is clearly uncomfortable and is quickly demoted to cleaning the changing rooms instead.

Faced with the public she is shocked by their questions and admits she had not considered some of them- such as how loud the vibrators are - apparently a crucial factor for the women who have children. She concedes she can learn a lot from the sales staff who have face-to-face contact with the customer every day.

It is all a bit much for Vanessa and at the end of the first day her confidence is low. Although she is clearly not enjoying herself, she gets stuck in to join two of the Blackburn staff members, Jess and May, in hosting an infamous Ann Summers party.  Over 4,000 parties are held in the UK every week. Whist they are known for their fun and games, the emphasis is on selling products.  Vanessa goes along to see how they can be improved to make them even more profitable. As the party gets underway she loses some of her reticence and joins in the fun and games, but it is not long before May questions Vanessa's back story and also asks outright why she is wearing a wig. Clearly mortified Vanessa manages to maintain her back story although is glad to leave and move on to another store.

In Exeter, Vanessa visits a store that was underperforming but has seen a recent uplift in sales since store manager Carol joined the branch. Carol is an Ann Summers veteran with over 8 years experience. Once again Vanessa has to try and work on the shop floor but this time no-nonsense Carol won't stand for her hiding away. Vanessa has to make a sale. 

Vanessa shadows Ellie, an 18-year-old part time sales assistant, who has not been at the store for long. Ellie serves a group of young men who are sniggering and laughing at the products. Her cool and professional demeanour impresses Vanessa who puts her technique into action and lands her first sale. Vanessa talks to Ellie and finds out that she has had a tough upbringing and would like to work full time in the store but there are no positions available. Ann Summers tends to only employ people on a part-time basis but Vanessa realises quickly that she is losing some talented staff with this policy.

Next Vanessa is off to the first ever Ann Summers store in Bristol. It remains the only licensed sex shop in the chain. Recently sales have been falling and Vanessa quickly hears from manager Laura that it is because head office are sending stock that the unlicensed stores sell, and this shop no longer caters to their clientele. Laura is clear about the problems the store is facing and without knowing who she is airing her views to makes it clear that she feels Ann Summers has lost its edge.

As the undercover mission comes to an end an unsuspecting Jess and Mae from the Blackburn store, Ellie from Exeter and Laura from Bristol are all called to head office to meet the Managing Director. Will they recognise Vanessa without the wig and glasses, and what feedback will she give them about their positions within the Ann Summers company?


Undercover Boss, Tuesdays from 5th July, 9pm, Channel 4


Undercover Boss returns for a third series with six new, high-profile business bosses  leaving the comfort of their corner offices  to surreptitiously join their own work force in an undercover mission to examine the inner workings of their company.

Each week, the bosses work incognito alongside their employees, learning about the effects their decisions have on their workers and where the problems may lie within the organisation. 

Exposed to both the good and the bad sides of the business, these bosses will hear what their employees really think about how the company is run while discovering the talented unsung heroes who take great pride in making the company a success.  

After a challenging and enlightening few days it's up to the boss to reveal their true identity to their unsuspecting staff. It's an emotional and empowering climax as they explain what they have learnt, the changes they want to make and the ways in which they want to show appreciation to the employees who've been doing an outstanding job.

Unrecognised talent will be rewarded but it's the poor performers who'll have nowhere to hide.

The bosses who have already got their mitts mucky are:


Episode 1: Tuesday 5 July, 9pm, Channel 4

Jacqueline and Vanessa Gold from Ann Summers.

(NB Scroll further down the page for more information on this episode)

Jacqueline Gold the CEO of Ann Summers is one of Britain's most well-known businesswomen. She has developed the family business from the domain of the male "raincoat brigade" to a taboo-busting, female-friendly high street staple. Too famous to go undercover herself, Jacqueline sends Deputy MD and younger sister Vanessa undercover to visit Ann Summers stores across the UK. Despite having worked for the UK's leading adult retailer since the age of 16, Vanessa has to overcome extreme nervousness when face to face with her customers and their often intimate questions about the products on sale.  But is her reticence to talk sex echoed by the staff and customers around her or has the brand got too safe for even the high street?


Episode 2: Tuesday 12 July, 9pm, Channel 4

Andrew Withers from Southern Fried Chicken

Andrew Withers heads up Southern Fried Chicken, the business his father began back in the 1960's. Andrew feels passionately that the SFC brand in the UK is in need of an overhaul and is at odds with the carefully constructed image he has spent years developing for the brand in 70 countries overseas. In the UK it is synonymous with post-pub, late night binge eats rather than a family restaurant. But why are the 200 UK franchises not living up to his expectations? Andrew spends some time behind the counter to find out, and his shocking discoveries about the staff, the food, and the customers leave him with more than a sour taste in his mouth. Can Andrew get his business back on track?


Episode 3:

Kim Hamilton is the Chief Executive of the Blue Cross

Kim Hamilton heads one of the UK's leading animal welfare charities, and the first charity to undergo the Undercover Boss treatment.  Having previously spent over 20 years climbing the ranks in city banks, she now uses her business skills in the charitable sector. But ditching her suits for scrubs requires a different skill set, and hiding her identity from the staff and volunteers who are the backbone of the charity is even tougher. Can she pose as a volunteer without being unmasked? And what lessons will she learn that will shape the future of the charity from a spell cleaning kennels and helping cats give birth?


Episode 4:

Nikki King OBE from Isuzu Truck (UK)

Nikki King OBE is the Managing Director of Japanese truck dealers Isuzu Truck UK. Nikki has worked her way up the business ladder in the male dominated industry of trucks but only started working "in a serious job" aged 40, following a divorce.  Nikki's rise to the top has been meteoric, but in these tough economic times will Nikki's return to the shop floor give her the insight and understanding to steer the company to greater success?


Episodes 5 and 6 TBA