Undercover Lover

Category: News Release

Can money really buy true love? Self-made millionaire Chris, 24 from London comes from a wealthy middle-class background and admits in the past relying on his wealth and material objects to succeed in the dating world. However, now he wants to embark on a journey to find love with a woman who loves him for who he is and not what he has.

Undercover Lover will follow the millionaire bachelor disguised as an average cash-strapped guy, as he goes on a series of dates to find a woman who will fall in love with him rather than his wallet. Tired of dating gold diggers, he will forgo his luxury multi-millionaire lifestyle, handover his Rolex, Ferrari and American Express card and relocate from his swanky London apartment to more humble surroundings where he will adjust to his new modest way of life.

With personal assistants and a luxury lifestyle no longer at his disposal, Chris will attempt to get stuck into the dating scene trying everything from cheap local pubs to bowling alleys.

Chris always imagined he would marry and have kids before 30 and is now ready to put his plan into action. Will he successfully find true love with a woman who likes him for who he is, and what will happen when he reveals he is in fact a multi-millionaire?

Production Company: Studio Lambert