Week 20 Highlights

Category: News Release

Welcome to week 20.

20 is the number of quarter or half turns required to optimally solve a Rubik's cube in the worst case, also known as God's number.

20 has an aliquot sum of 22 (110% in abundance). Accordingly, 20 is the third abundant number and demonstrates an 8 member aliquot sequence; (20, 22, 14, 10, 8, 7, 1, 0). What are you, thick?

The Twenty Year Curse refers to the pattern of presidents of the United States who were elected to office in 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900, 1920, 1940, and 1960 to die in office. This pattern ended with the 1980 presidency of Reagan, who survived his time in office and, notably, an attempted assassination.

20:20 vision is considered ideal, a gift that should be fully appreciated by watching lots of lovely television on Channel 4.  Like this lot, for example:


Saturday, 14/05/2011
The Saturdays: What Goes on Tour with Ice Watches

New five-part series across Saturday and Sunday, following top girl group The Saturdays on their UK tour.


Saturday, 14/05/2011
Stand Up for the Week 10/10

The last in the current series of the topical stand-up show. The guest comedian is Dave Fulton.


Sunday, 15/05/2011
The Hotel 5/8: There's a Fly in My Soup

The Damson Dene comes under attack from guests complaining about everything from the décor to the food and the housekeeping, pushing manager Wayne and his staff to the brink. Mother and daughter Margaret and Sasha love value for money and make a point of seeking out bargain breaks. They've driven from near Bolton to the Lake District to take advantage of the Damson Dene's £50-a-night bed, breakfast and dinner deal. But can the hotel live up to their exacting standards and high expectations? And Geordie couple Jamie and Danielle are not impressed when the TV in their hotel room goes on the blink.


Monday, 16/05/2011
Dispatches: The Truth About Going under the Knife

Dispatches - in a joint investigation with the BMJ - explores what's implanted into our body. A medical device is anything that isn't a pharmaceutical, from sticking plasters to tiny coils implanted into the arteries leading to the heart. Millions of people come into contact with medical devices every day. They are big business; worldwide, the industry is worth over £200 billion a year. Dispatches reveals how, in the drive for innovation, patient safety can come second.


Tuesday, 17/05/2011
Jamie's Food Revolution Hits Hollywood

Last year Jamie Oliver traveled to America's unhealthiest city - Huntington, West Virginia, population 50,000 - to get to grips with America's junk food addiction. The result was the Emmy Award-winning Food Revolution series and the start of a movement across the USA. Now Jamie is returning to the US to take his food revolution to an even bigger target: Los Angeles, population 11 million, a place where 'it's easier to get a gun, crack or a prostitute in a lot of areas before you can get a tomato'.


Wednesday, 18/05/2011
24 Hours in A&E 2/7

The 'red phone' from the ambulance service rings, signalling the imminent arrival of a seriously ill patient. Thirty-one-year-old Brendan has had a head-on collision between his motorbike and a car, 'bulls-eyeing' the windscreen. Brendan's broken both his wrists, but he's most worried about injuries to his testicles: he's so bruised that his penis looks like a 'purple carrot'. And he's decided to hang up his bike keys. Teenager Alex turns up with nasty injuries to his hand after punching through a window. Will he learn a lesson once he's been patched up by the A&E staff?


Thursday, 19/05/2011
Hunting Britain's Most Wanted

The expansion of the EU and open borders in the UK have led to a surge in foreign criminals heading for Britain. The number of requests for wanted fugitives has risen ten-fold over the past five years and now totals more than 4300 a year. Over the course of three months Cutting Edge has unique access to New Scotland Yard's Extradition Unit as they track down murderers, suspected rapists and armed robbers from abroad.


Thursday, 19/05/2011
Comedy Gala: Best Bits

Ahead of this year's show, Comedy Gala: Best Bits comprises all the best funny bits and biggest names from last year's inaugural C4 Comedy Gala, including Michael McIntyre and Lee Evans.


Friday, 20/05/2011
Unreported World 7/10: Mexico: Living with Hitmen

Reporter Evan Williams and Director Alex Nott travel to Ciudad Juarez, on Mexico's border with the United States, to experience the daily life of a journalist who has been called one of the most courageous women in Mexico. Mexico's drug wars have been well reported but there is a frightening new phenomenon that is going largely unnoticed. A growing number of journalists are being killed and disappeared as they try to report on the drug violence and the growing links between the cartels and the corrupt police and politicians.


For highlights of programmes on More4, E4, Film4 and 4Music, please visit the Listings section of the site (available to registered users only).