Week 4 highlights are now available online

Category: News Release

Week 4's highlights are now online to registered users here.

If you're not registered, you can register here. Provided you are a bona fide journalist/TV listings person/blogger. You do NOT qualify as a journalist just because you can type with two fingers whilst smoking/hack people's phones/constantly find things to say about Kim Kardashian. Oh, okay, apparently you do.

While you're at it, you can also sign up for our daily news alerts here - that is, an email at the end of every day, telling you what we've added to the press site. This email also has the added bonus of making you look important when, after your holiday, you want to impress people by telling them how many emails you've returned to. Then you can delete them without reading, safe in the knowledge that there probably wasn't much there in the first place. You're welcome!