Weekly highlights - a message

Category: News Release

Dear esteemed, valued and, yes, adored site visitor.

We are constantly looking for ways to improve the site. More importantly, we're constantly looking for ways to give ourselves less work and more time to watch Gangnam Style tribute videos.

As such, we have decided to stop reproducing the weekly highlights page in the news section of the site. It was quite a lot of work for a page that very few people seemed to look at.

But HOLD ON! Don't despair. Dry your hot, salt tears, stifle your sobs, and for God's sake blow your nose, you're a snotty mess. The highlights are still available to registered users every week, in the Listings section of the site. (Click on Listings, then click on ‘Highlights in the left hand margin). This week's are here.

If you are a journalist, and you want to register for the site, click on ‘Register' on the right hand side of the red banner towards the top of the page, and fill in your details. If you're not a journalist, please don't apply. You will be refused, and we'll come round your gaff and break all your ornamental swans.

Also, if you want a hilariously offbeat/wildly annoying daily alert emailed to you every afternoon (at around 5pm) detailing what we've added to the site on that particular day, please click on the button next to the word ‘subscribe' just below the registration button. Obviously we won't send out emails on days when nothing's been added to the site. That would just be annoying.

If this message has made you EXTREMELY ANGRY, have a look at these baby sloths. If you're still bad-tempered after that, you officially have no heart.

I remain your devoted servant,

Benjie Goodhart

Site editor