Welcome to Beaver Falls

Category: News Release





Dear Mr Spencer,

Congratulations on being selected as part of the Beaver Falls team this summer! We look forward to working alongside you.

We are more than just a summer camp: we are one big happy family. And like any happy family, we have rules to help ensure that family life runs as smoothly as possible.

On your arrival at Beaver Falls, you will be issued with our 78 page Camp Rules booklet - it is imperative you familiarise yourself with its content as failure to comply with the rules may lead to dismissal.

As a counsellor, you will be assigned to a bunk accommodating five campers. Our campers range in age from 11 to 18, and you will be responsible for the welfare of the campers in your bunk. So you will be a role model, a shoulder to cry on, and a figure of authority. And we expect you to act accordingly at all times

On the evening of your arrival, I will be hosting a Staff Icebreaker - a chance for you to get to know your colleagues in an informal atmosphere before the campers arrive (NB. Please note - no alcohol will be served). The following day your campers will arrive and from here on it's all hands to the metaphorical pump.

I would be grateful if you could forward this information to Mr Hussain and Mr Barry (also forgive my confusion, but what is Mr Barry's Christian name?)

We look forward to seeing you soon

Best Wishes,


Bobby Jefferson

Camp Principal