Why Am I Still Single?

Category: News Release

One single man and one single woman turn detective on each other’s love lives in an attempt to answer that all important question, Why Am I Still Single? By uncovering the behavioural patterns and emotional make-up of a total stranger they will get a fresh perspective and the greatest insight into the reasons behind their own dating disasters and wrong turns when it comes to finding love.

In a brand new First Cut documentary, two strangers will meet each other’s friends, families and ex-partners, be given access to social networking accounts and even sleep in each other’s beds. Naomi and Lex are both in their 30’s and everyone around them seems to be getting married or having children. They both thought they would at least be settled in long-term relationships by now but like for the majority of singletons in the UK, looking for love is more difficult than it seems. Before they’ve even met, Naomi and Lex are going to uncover the most intimate details of each other’s lives. They will interrogate exes on the real reason for their split, delve into each other’s childhoods and even read their old teenage love letters. Both of them will attempt to discover how each other’s behaviours and attitudes are sabotaging their search for love.

By scrutinising a stranger’s relationship history, they’ll come to reflect on their own reasons for still being single in their 30’s. And when Naomi and Lex do finally meet up, each will reveal why they think the other person is single and what they have to do to remedy it. A few weeks later we return to see if confronting the truth about their relationship failures and following each other’s instructions has helped them to make a change.

Directed by Juliet Riddell, Why Am I Still Single? will reveal the consequences of a stranger digging around in your past. Can someone you have never met before see things about you that you just can’t see about yourself? And can two complete strangers help each other to find love and happiness?

First Cut demonstrates Channel 4's on-going commitment to new and diverse talent strand presenting original and bold documentary films. For the first time since launching in 2007, First Cut films have increased to 60 minutes and are airing in a later slot to allow greater freedom for filmmakers to produce more ambitious work and showcase their storytelling skills.