World War II: The Last Heroes

Category: News Release

TX: Saturday October 15th, 8:40pm, Channel 4.

As the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War approaches, year by year the number of surviving soldiers is sadly diminishing. This six-part series is the story of their war, not the war as written by generals and historians.

Produced by the team behind the highly-acclaimed Blitz Street, the series starts with the D-Day Landings and ends with street fights in Berlin, bringing to life the story of the campaign to take Europe back from the Nazis. It recreates actual battlefield scenarios using real bombs and real ammunition to illustrate the extraordinary first hand testimonies from Allied soldiers.

These testimonies of the realities of life on the frontline make their great-grandchildren's computer war games seem very tame. Allied combat troops suffered terribly high casualty rates and experienced the horrors, comradeship and the victory of war. Veteran soldiers reveal what it was like to be under fire; how you feel when you lose your best mates and are scared and fighting for your life. They saw things that no teenager or young man should ever witness and their powerful and emotional testimonies provide new insights into the allied invasion of Europe.


Production company
Impossible Pictures