
Category: News Release

It’s GCSE results day and friends Yemi and Jay nervously make their way to find out what the future holds.  Aspiring producer Yemi aces his results, but there’s no celebrating for Jay.  Determined to swerve a career fixing boilers with his dad, MC Jay picks up a leaflet for Mic Star, a local music competition that could be his break into the urban music industry.  But for these Youngers it’s never going to be that easy…

Witty and original, this comedy drama set in South London follows a group of friends trying to negotiate their way through teenage life in a world that’s more about swagger than straight As.

Created by Benjamin Kuffuor and Levi David Addai

Written by Levi David Addai with Benjamin Kuffuor, Mark Catley and Georgia Lester

Directed by Anthony Philipson

Prod co: Big Talk Productions