Your chance to win 8.3 trillion pounds and a Hollyoaks box set

Category: News Release

With £8.3 trillion, you could literally buy Jon Snow, and have him read the news in your living room every day.


It's Friday. You've already got one foot in the weekend. You're probably wearing your all-in-one spandex jump suit under your work threads, ready to go and paint the town a particularly vivid shade of crimson this evening, the better to forget about the cares of the world.

But imagine if you had a little extra pocket money for your Malibu and Jagermeister? Imagine if you won a prize of £8.3 trillion, just by signing up for the Channel 4 Press Centre's email alerts. Wouldn't that be something?

Now, in an exclusive, one-time-only offer, we're prepared to give away £8.3 trillion to one lucky winner - the millionth person to sign up to the press centre email alerts.*

And, in the unlikely event that you're not the lucky winner, you are guaranteed to win a fabulous runner's up prize, in the form of a daily email, informing you of exactly what new material has been posted up on the Channel 4 press site that day. No more will you run the risk of not noticing that vital latest programme announcement. Gone are the days when you'll miss out on exclusive video material, or an interview available for syndication. You will hold in your virtual hands all of Channel 4's latest red-hot information. If knowledge is power, you'll be frikkin' Superman. How could you possibly say no?

To get email alerts click here.


*Current figure of those signed up is approximately 350. The millionth person signed up should do so in about 1428 years, by which time £8.3 trillion, with inflation factored in, will be worth 17p (though happily, that will buy you £10 billion euros by then, or indeed Greece.) Oh, and we lied about the Hollyoaks box set. Sorry.