All 4 delves into sexual health with The Sex Testers

Category: News Release

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All 4 will shine a light on the UK’s sexual health in a new 8x15’ series produced by Firecracker called The Sex Testers.  In each episode a stream of sexually adventurous members of the public will walk through doors of a specially-constructed sexual health clinic to reveal the most intimate details of their private lives to a team of sexual health specialists, before being tested for some of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the UK.

The series will tackle the issue of rising levels of STI’s in the UK head on, raising awareness of the growing problem, encouraging people to use protection between the sheets and showing viewers that visiting the sexual health clinic shouldn’t feel taboo and is something everyone who is sexually active needs to do.

The clinic will be staffed by an NHS doctor, a sexual health nurse and sexual health advisor. Each patient will be taken through a detailed, intimate and often awkward questionnaire to determine which swabs and tests need to be done – the perfect way to find out what’s really going on between the sheets – then the tests will be done and results given. The Sex Testers will be bold and ballsy as well as raising awareness and encouraging young people to look after their sexual health.

The Sex Testers was commissioned by All 4 editor Todd Florance. The series will be made by the Tinopolis owned indie with Firecracker Chief Creative Officer, Jes Wilkins executive producing with Sam Emmery and series producer Alice Bowden.

Todd Florance said:  “Visiting a sexual health clinic shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. We’re on a mission to de-stigmatise STI testing and bring the public’s sexual adventures out into the open. It’s been fantastic to work with Firecracker on this fun, jaw-dropping take on such an important subject.”

Jes Wilkins added: “This show is a perfect blend of cheeky factual entertainment and genuine public service and we are delighted to be working with All 4 at such an exciting time for the platform as they are taking bold creative risks with new original content.”