
Category: News Release

AGE: 26

FROM: Brighton

LIVING: Lived in Brooklyn for a year

OCCUPATION: Curator/Art Director for a gallery in the Westside of Manhattan

FAMILY: Identical twin to Megan



Amy moved to New York after taking a month long internship at an art gallery to use her degree in Chinese Oriental art. Her work ethic and dedication wowed her boss and as a result she was offered a permanent role. A few months later she packed up her life in London and moved stateside.

Amy is well travelled and has previously lived in France but describes living in NYC and adjusting to life as a total baptism of fire. When she first moved over she was really open with everyone but since discovering what people can be like in the Big Apple she’s become much more guarded. Her biggest struggle has been being apart from twin Megan as they’re very close.

Bubbly and vivacious, there’s a really sweet girl-next-door side to Amy but she’s not afraid to say what she really thinks.


Amy is career focussed and it’s her priority in NYC, since working at the gallery she’s relocated it to a prominent westside area and has been working long hours. However, she wants to find a bit more of a work/life, or even work/love, balance.


She wears her heart on her sleeve and is a true romantic, but has found the New York way of dating multiple people pretty hard to adjust to.


What made you decide to move to New York?

I wanted to live and work in the art capital of the world, New York City. I got offered a job there and haven’t looked back since.

How’s it been adjusting to life in the Big Apple and filming the show?

It’s been an incredible experience - it’s essentially like having two full time jobs – you’ve just got to roll with the punches! The crew have become a family to me and I’ll be gutted to see them leave.

I’m a firm believer in the more you do, the more you can do! New York is one big rollercoaster of emotions, you have to decide early on whether to buckle up and enjoy the ride.

What do you miss most from home and what are the best and worst things about living in New York?

My family and friends, they’re my support unit – it’s been tough without them. I also looove Galaxy chocolate! I never thought I’d say this but I’ve also missed London cabbies! Taxi’s in New York are a NIGHTMARE!

You experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows here. There’s no in between.

Which of the cast do you fancy the most?

I fancied Jamie, instantly!

You have a twin, Megan, who also appears in the show but before she came out to New York you were apart from each other. What was it like being separated, is she your best friend and do you ever fight over boys?

It’s tough being separated. We genuinely work better together – she’s my twin - life without her in the city is fine but it’s always better with her! She’s my best friend. We have different taste in guys so we’re ok there!