Bear Grylls Interview: Bear Goes Wild with Barack Obama

Category: News Release


1.  What were the main survival techniques you taught Mr. Obama and how did he do?

We hiked together through some of Alaska’s most spectacular scenery and talked a lot about the need to protect the world’s great wildernesses for our children and  grandchildren. Along the way I taught him about how to survive bear attacks, how drinking pee can save your life, how to light fire, & how to cook half chewed salmon from a bear - it was the perfect trip!

2. What was most exciting for him?

He told me that he just loved being out of the office and out of a suit! At the end of the adventure though he said also it was genuinely one of the best days of his presidency which was a huge honour. For him I sensed it was a real chance to connect and get closer to the natural world that he has toiled so hard to protect through his climate change plans. I heard his action plan described as the single most significant act ever done by one human being to preserve our planet. That's pretty inspiring.

3. What was most challenging?

I was definitely nervous at first before he arrived but as soon as he got there, he said he was super excited and was up for anything, and it was then that I knew it was going to be a fun journey. Dealing with the pre nerves and 50 secret service following our every move were probably the most challenging parts! Lighting the fire with just a flint and steel is hard work for the rookie but he seemed to nail it first time, which was pretty impressive - and then he made me a killer smor which was a treat indeed from the president.

4. Was it difficult at all with all the Secret Service people hanging around?

Usually when I take people on trips like this, it is just me and them, so it was a little strange initially for me having secret service and helicopters and snipers all around! But he was so genuine, family centred, and honest about his fears and struggles that I almost forgot I was with the president of the USA and not just with a buddy on a wilderness adventure! He was also very inspiring about his faith and how he works to get through things he really believes in - but above all he was an especially humble guy in how he viewed life and his family. It was truly an incredible experience and my overriding impression was of a man determined to give his all to his every day and who puts his family before himself. That's a powerful example to us all.

5. Any scares that made them jump?

The president has an official cook and taster, so when the president just jumped in and joined me munching on the grizzly bear, half gnawed salmon, covered in dirt and blood, the taster did look a little concerned. But he took the president’s lead and went with it and we all lived to fight another day!

6. You often work with actors of course. They may be really famous, even spoiled , and you push them hard. Were you gentler with the President?

I wanted to push him a little bit and get under his skin so I asked questions that no - one else really ever gets to ask, around family, doubts, struggles and faith. It meant that we had some very real, honest, & open conversations. That's what the wild allows - it doesn't care what your title is, it is the ultimate leveller. And when it comes to climbing and scrambling through forests in Alaska’s bear country you have to be smart - bears really don't care who you are, if you stumble upon one at the wrong time you are in trouble.

7. What do you think he’d say about the experience.

He explained that he had spent the best part of his life over the past seven years living in a bubble where every move is monitored. But that our day together was different. We got to hike and make camp and cook lunch and laugh and talk about the sort of stuff you do on a buddy buddy adventure. That was the privilege bit for me - seeing a very unguarded and refreshing side of the president - after all, no other president has ever done an adventure show or any sort of reality show when in office, (or even after office!) so to have him as one of our guests on the show was an incredibly special moment for me. A reminder that the wild connects people in a very real and personal way - that's what I do love about the outdoors.


Bear Goes Wild with Barack Obama airs on Channel 4 Sunday 20th December at 8pm