Black Mirror returns for a feature-length Christmas Special

Category: News Release

Black Mirror, Channel 4's Emmy-winning 'Twilight Zone for the modern age', returns in the form of a feature-length film for Christmas. Three interwoven stories of Yuletide techno-paranoia collide in the most chilling and mind-bending Black Mirror yet.


Creator Charlie Brooker said: "I always enjoy a good ghost story at Christmas, and I'm a sucker for the Amicus’ compendium horror movies of the 70s. Our aim is to create the Black Mirror equivalent of that."


Phil Clarke, Channel 4’s head of comedy said “I’m delighted that we have a Black Mirror Special this Christmas. Charlie Brooker has penned a dystopian future festive tale, that intertwines three stories to deliver a dramatic and thrilling twist. It’s satirical, comic, disturbing, and thought provoking. Not to be missed.”                


Black Mirror is an anthology series which taps into our contemporary unease about the modern world. Its stand-alone dramas are sharp, suspenseful, satirical tales with a techno-paranoia bent – all audacious ‘What if’ stories.


Black Mirror is produced by Barney Reisz and executive produced by Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones through their new production company, House of Tomorrow, an Endemol company. The Christmas special was commissioned by Rachel Springett for Channel 4 and is directed by Carl Tibbetts.