Britain on a Mission announced

Category: News Release

Channel 4 has commissioned Waddell Media to make a series of films documenting West African churches and their work in the UK today.  

The films consist of, Britain on a Mission (w/t), a 1 x 30 minute documentary, followed by 16 x 3 minute shorts to be shown in the run up to Easter.

Paralympic Medalist, Ade Adepitan, will look at how various churches of West African religion in the UK are bucking the trend of dwindling church attendance in more traditional churches.

The programs will look at what’s driving the success of these churches plus the doctrines they preach, examining what they offer congregations that other forms of worship don’t, especially in the modern times we live in.

Ade Adepitan commented: “I’m extremely proud to be part of a programme that sidesteps the mainstream, in an effort to highlight the diversity of Christian worship amongst the UK’s West African community.”

Jannine Waddell, Managing Director of Waddell Media commented: “It's a very exciting project for Waddell Media, consolidating our position as a major factual supplier for Channel 4. It is particularly satisfying to be able to build a season around some of the many contacts we have nurtured while producing three and a half years of for the channel.

The series of short films will portray people that play a part in the churches and feature strong personal stories and characters, each following an individual, a group or one clearly defined story. From the Pastor planting a new church in a London borough to a convert preparing for their baptism, these short films will give a unique voice to a sector of the population usually not widely seen on television.   

Ralph Lee, Head of Factual at C4 commented: “Last year, the Ramadan season gave voice to Britain's Muslim community and saw a group which is under-represented on television given airspace in a non-judgmental and inclusive way. This Lent season is again bringing an under-represented community to a wide, mainstream audience.”

Executive Producer: Jannine Waddell

Series Producer: Rukhsana Mosam

Producer/Director: Simon Phillips