C4 to advertise all jobs on specialist site promoting disabled talent

Category: News Release

Channel 4 has today announced that it will advertise all of its future vacancies on a specialist job site run by and for disabled people.

Channel 4 hopes the initiative will attract even more applications from disabled people in a bid to further diversify its workforce and help disabled people break into the media industry.

The broadcaster’s commitment in promoting diversity is firmly established and well documented thanks to its unrivalled commitment during 2016, its Year of Disability. This included acclaimed coverage of the Rio Paralympics, and ground-breaking initiatives such as its £1m Superhumans Wanted campaign, which offered £1 million worth of commercial airtime to an advertiser prominently featuring disability in its adverts, and channel 4’s Rio Production Trainee scheme which saw more than 20 disabled trainees and mid-level staff work on its Rio Paralympic content.

Graeme Whippy, Disability Workplace Specialist at Channel 4, said: “Channel 4 took significant steps during the Year of Disability to increase the representation of disabled people on-screen, off-screen in production and in our own back yard. As we move into 2017 it’s critical that we maintain the momentum we built during the Year of Disability and build on its successes – hence the importance of our partnership with Evenbreak to facilitate a pipeline of disabled talent.”

In order to attract more disabled candidates Channel 4 has decided to advertise all of its vacancies on Evenbreak, a specialist job board run by and for disabled people.

Channel 4 will be the first major broadcasting organisation to routinely post all of its vacancies on Evenbreak, demonstrating once again its commitment to diversity and offering opportunities to disabled people.

Nichola Ivory-Chapman, Head of Talent Acquisition at Channel 4, said: “Diversity is in Channel 4’s DNA and we know that recruiting talent from diverse backgrounds encourages our workforce to be vibrant, creative and think differently. It can be a challenge though to reach out to job seekers from under-represented groups which is why we wanted to partner with Evenbreak to help us attract applications from disabled people.”

Jane Hatton, Founder and Director of Evenbreak, said: “Channel 4 has demonstrated a genuine commitment to inclusion and accessibility, and Evenbreak is delighted to be involved in their programme to positively attract disabled candidates.”


Notes to Editors

Other Channel 4 disability initiatives include:

  • Two thirds of Channel 4’s on-screen talent working at Rio were disabled and 19 of 24 disabled Rio Production trainees worked on Channel 4’s Paralympics content as well as six disabled mid-level production staff who worked on the Paralympics coverage.
  • Superhumans Wanted campaign - a competition offering £1m worth of commercial airtime for an advert featuring disability. The winning ad by Maltesers premiered during the Paralympics Opening Ceremony.
  • Channel 4 made 2016 its Year of Disability and has committed to doubling the number of disabled people appearing in 20 of its biggest shows
  • A commitment to provide bespoke career development for 20 disabled people already working in the industry with our 20 biggest suppliers
  • Ring-fencing 50 per cent of all Channel 4 apprenticeships and 30 per cent of work experience placements for people with disabilities
  • Sponsoring and mentoring the Production Trainees upon completion of the Paralympics


Evenbreak, established in 2011, is an award-winning social enterprise helping inclusive employers attract more talented disabled candidates, and helping disabled jobseekers find work with employers who will value their skills. All of Evenbreak’s employees are disabled people, and all are paid above the Living Wage. http://www.evenbreak.co.uk