C4 on demand progs with subtitles now available on iPhones and iPads

Category: News Release

In a move to make its programming even more accessible, Channel 4 catch up programmes are now available with subtitles on iPhones and iPads.

Channel 4 has a strong track record of making its programmes accessible having provided subtitles on its catch up services via Channel4.com since 2009 and audio-description since 2012.

Rachel Yendoll, Channel 4’s Head of Content Management, said: “We know there’s been a strong demand to provide subtitles on the iOS platform, people can now enjoy watching C4 programmes with subtitles on their iPhones and iPads and we’re delighted that this service is now live.”

“We are one of the leading broadcasters in terms of accessibility and we’re looking forward to rolling out more accessibility features on more platforms in the coming months.”

The most recent ATVOD (The Authority for Television on Demand) survey found that Channel 4 subtitled 99 per cent of programmes compared to 92 per cent in 2013.

On its linear schedules, Channel 4 has voluntarily been making 100% of its programmes on all channels available with subtitles, above the quota of 90%, since 2011 and audio-describing at least 20% of programmes, above the quota of 10%. In 2014 Channel 4 provided the highest proportion of programmes with subtitling and audio description of all the main public service channels for the third year running.