C4 looks at cutting edge treatment of dementia in Dementiaville (w/t)

Category: News Release

Channel 4 has commissioned a ground-breaking new 3 X 60’ series from Twofour and GroupM Entertainment called Dementiaville (working title) exploring a progressive approach to the care of people with dementia.

Dementia is a complex disease that can destroy a patient’s most recent memories but leave some older ones very much intact, causing patients to retreat to their past in the face of an increasingly confusing present.

Around 800,000 people in the UK are currently living with dementia and it is predicted that 1 in 3 people will be affected in the future. There is no known cure. For families watching the disease gradually change their loved one’s personality it is a harrowing and heart breaking experience.

The series will explore the latest thinking in dementia care which aims to alleviate the anxiety and confusion of sufferers and their families, whilst celebrating the person they once were.

Led by experts in dementia care, Dementiaville (W/T) will uncover dramatic real-life stories, using reconstruction and archive to re-discover the person behind the dementia. Families in crisis will be empowered as they discover emotional and practical progressive care showing them it is possible to cope and live better with dementia.

Dementiaville (W/T) was commissioned for Channel 4 by Liam Humphreys, Head of Factual Entertainment, and Commissioning Editor Lucy Leveugle. Executive producer for Twofour will be David Clews along with GroupM Entertainment executive producers Tony Moulsdale and Abigail Adams. The Series Director will be Pamela Gordon.


Production Information:

Executive Producer (Twofour): David Clews

Executive Producer (GroupM): Abigail Adams

Production Company: Twofour and GroupM Entertainment

Commissioning Editors, Channel 4 Factual Entertainment: Liam Humphreys and Lucy Leveugle