Cameron & Miliband Live: The Battle for Number 10

Category: News Release

Following discussions with the political parties, Channel 4 and Sky can confirm that they will broadcast a live 90-minute programme ‘Cameron & Miliband Live: The Battle for Number 10’ on Thursday March 26th at 9pm featuring interviews with the Prime Minister, David Cameron and the Leader of the Opposition, Ed Miliband.

Channel 4’s election anchor Jeremy Paxman will interview both David Cameron and Ed Miliband individually.  

Sky News presenter Kay Burley will moderate as members of a studio audience put questions directly to each party leader one of whom is likely be Prime Minister after the election.       

The programme will be produced by Sky News live from a London venue and broadcast simultaneously on both Channel 4 and Sky News across multiple platforms and made available to all media.

It will be executive produced by Sky News’ John Dowden and the Commissioning Editor for Channel 4 is Head of News and Current Affairs Dorothy Byrne. Further details on the programme will be announced in due course.

Jeremy Paxman said: “This is the most intriguing election for decades. It's going to be tremendous fun to find out what Cameron and Miliband plan for us if they get the chance. After all one of them will be Prime Minister.”

Kay Burley said: “I am delighted to be part of this major election programme right at the start of the election campaign, and have a chance to put the views of the voters directly to the next potential leader of the country.“

Jay Hunt, Channel 4’s Chief Creative Officer said: “It’s thrilling that the election campaign will kick off with David Cameron and Ed Miliband interviewed live by Jeremy Paxman on Channel 4 and Sky News. The Leaders Interviews will be a real opportunity for viewers to see the men who could be Prime Minister in action.”

John Ryley, Head of Sky News said: “We are extremely pleased that the Conservative and Labour party leaders have agreed to take part in a programme that will kick start the election campaign and put the two people most likely to be the next Prime Minister under scrutiny in front of millions of viewers across the UK."