Cameron & Miliband Live: The Battle for Number 10

Category: News Release

Tomorrow evening (Thursday 26th March), just days before parliament is dissolved and the election campaigns begin in earnest, Channel 4 and Sky will broadcast the live 90-minute programme Cameron & Miliband Live: The Battle for Number 10.

Channel 4’s election night anchor Jeremy Paxman will interview both David Cameron and Ed Miliband individually in front of a studio audience; allowing viewers to hear directly from the two party leaders - one of whom is likely to be our next Prime Minister. Sky News presenter Kay Burley will moderate as questions from the audience are put to the two leaders.

Having won the toss of a coin that took place on Sunday to decide the running order, Leader of the Opposition Ed Miliband has opted to be interviewed second so the programme will open with Paxman interviewing Prime Minister David Cameron for up to 18 minutes. Following this, Kay Burley will moderate a Q&A between the studio audience and him for a further 18 minutes approximately.

Miliband will then take questions from the studio audience, overseen by Burley before he, too, is interviewed by Paxman.

Immediately after the programme airs, Sky will broadcast live footage from the ‘spin room’ where each of the party’s representatives will comment on how their leaders and their competitors, performed.

Sky News will have a wealth of information available on its digital platforms including video profiles of both Cameron and Miliband, with their expert team examining what they expect to come from the interviews and whether it will break the poll deadlock. During the programme there will be live blogging and streaming across all Sky’s digital devices as well as exclusive behind the scenes content.

Channel 4 News will be providing extensive exclusive digital material around the debate – including highlights, analysis, and insights from the social media conversation. Political Correspondent Michael Crick will bring his trademark flair to the political spin room afterwards.

The programme will be produced by Sky News live from a London venue and broadcast simultaneously on both Channel 4 and Sky News from 9pm across multiple platforms and made available to all media. The debate will be available to view online from both Channel 4 and Sky’s YouTube channels, Channel 4’s watch live player: Discussion on social media will be encouraged throughout with the use of the hashtag #battlefornumber10

The programme will be executive produced by Sky News’ John Dowden and the Commissioning Editors for Channel 4 are Head of News and Current Affairs Dorothy Byrne and Deputy Head of News and Current Affairs Daniel Pearl.


Notes to Editors

·      The studio audience of 100 has been selected by research company Survation to ensure they are demographically representative and all on registered to vote. The audience has also been selected by voting intention: comprising one-third Conservative supporters, one-third Labour supporters and one-third undecided voters