Cardiff based Blink Films Wales bring Steph and Dom back to Channel 4

Category: News Release

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Two of the UK’s best-known hoteliers Steph and Dom are hitting the road to offer Britain’s hotel and guest-house owners a helping hand to make their business the best it can be…at least, that’s the plan!  

Commissioned by Channel 4’s Head of Daytime, David Sayer, the 20 x 30 series is to be made by Blink Films Wales.  Jon Lloyd and Sharon Bennett will Executive Produce for Blink Films Wales. 

Each week Steph and Dom will move in, muck-in and attempt to help run a different hotel or guest house, working with the owners to try running the establishment to their own bespoke rating system. But Steph and Dom aren't there just to try and advise - this is a team effort and everyone will be getting their hands dirty.

Over the week Steph and Dom will offer their thoughts and personal experience which the owners can choose to take on board or disregard completely. New guests will arrive daily for a 24-hour stay and critique the hotel and rate their stay, but with Steph & Dom’s help will the ratings go up or down?

At the end of the week the owners will be left to their own devices to relaunch their establishments using any and all tips and tricks they’ve learned along the way. Later Steph and Dom will return as guests bringing with them some other special guests. What will the verdict be?  It promises to be a week of hard work, huge laughs and an experience that won’t easily be forgotten.

At the end of the week the owners will be left to their own devices to relaunch their establishments using any and all tips and tricks they’ve learned along the way. Later Steph and Dom will return as guests bringing with them some special guests.  What will the verdict be?  It promises to be a week of hard work, huge laughs and an experience that won’t easily be forgotten.

Creative Director at Blink Film Wales, Jon Lloyd,  notes  “You never quite know what Steph and Dom are going to do next, but with their wealth of hospitality experience and unique relationship this series promises to be full of laughs, great stories and an unpredictable ride for all involved!"