Celebrities prepare to tackle The Jump

Category: News Release


(The pictures of the jump are available for download to registered users here: http://www.channel4.com/info/press/images/search?chkSearchImagesOnly=on&freetext=The+Jump+Series+3 )

While celebrities on some reality shows have nothing more to worry about than how their hair looks and who they’re going to cop off with next, The Jump does things a little differently. High in the Austrian Alps, twelve brave and determined snowbound superstars are working their Lycra-ed little behinds off as the arduous training programme continues ahead of the start of the new series of The Jump.

This year, the actual jump itself has been purpose-built for the show, and celebrities are expected to jump further than they’ve ever gone before. The jump itself took three months to build, is the height of three double-decker buses, and features a 40-metre ramp, which competitors will travel down at speeds of up to 25mph. That’s fast – even by Linford Christie’s standards.

We managed to grab a few of the celebrities for an extremely quick word between gruelling training sessions. The ones that didn’t simply gasp and collapse were able to give us the following insights into how they’re feeling about tackling the jump itself.


James Argent

I'm not sure I'm gonna be a natural jumper but like everyone else I'm going to try my best and not quit. It's been tough but an amazing experience so far!


Beth Tweddle

Having sat at the top of the ski jump it seemed ok but with skis on it could be a completely different matter. Seeing it for the first time made me really excited but nervous at the same time. I can’t wait to get out and try it this week though. I don’t think anyone will bottle it having seen the way everyone has tackled all the different challenges so far...


Dean Cain

Flying seems much more dangerous without my special effects crew!


Tina Hobley

No one will ever know what it's like to do the ski jump until you are up the top and it's your turn! The mental challenge is as hard as the physical one!!


Rebecca Adlington

Seeing the jump totally freaked me out, I did cry! I don’t think it will ever not be scary. I’m proud of how far I’ve come and the things I’ve already overcome so I’m excited and nervous to take on the jump. I definitely won’t be bottling it and I think everyone here is up for the challenge.


Sarah Harding

As for the actual Jump, I think as none of us have ever done anything like it before there is most definitely an array of mixed feelings, not to mention a little fear, and no one really wants to think about facing that right now. But personally, I like to grab the bull by the horns and give everything as much of a go as I can. The only person I can think of that has been quite vocal about not doing the jump so far is Linford. He's starting to finally enjoy skiing now though, so I'm sure once his confidence levels get better he will maybe feel a little less like that.