Channel 4 commissions Alone At Home (w/t)

Category: News Release

Bedtimes, restricted screen time and mollycoddling are the bane of every child’s life but what would they do without these rules of behaviour, and have any of them sunk in?

Channel 4 has commissioned Alone At Home (w/t), a four-part factual entertainment series from Electric Ray which will question to what degree modern parenting styles adequately prepare our children for adulthood. How much do parents influence the behaviour of their children, even when they’re not around? And without these rules will our children be hapless, rebel or perhaps they’ll be more capable and resourceful than we give them credit for?    

Alone At Home (w/t) follows sibling groups whose parents have gone away for a long weekend. Remotely operated cameras will film the siblings in their own home around the clock to observe whether, if given autonomy and freedom, these young people seize the opportunity to disregard all the rules their parents have imposed on them or be as good as gold and live by the ethos and rules their parents live by. 

Closely monitoring the footage from the house at all times will be a close-by safeguarding team of chaperones and psychologists and the parents are just a phone call away should their children want to ask how to put the washing machine on or just boil an egg.

The 4 x 60’ series has been commissioned for Channel 4 by Lucy Leveugle, Commissioning Editor for Factual Entertainment and Kelly Webb-Lamb, Head of Factual Entertainment. The series will be produced by Sony backed Electric Ray under executive producer Meredith Chambers and Karl Warner.