Channel 4 commissions Born On from Outline Productions and DRG

Category: News Release


Channel 4 has commissioned Born On – a peak-time, celebrity-led historical biography series from Outline Productions. The format, distributed internationally by DRG, was a hit in Norway following its launch earlier this year. 

Each episode of Born On (4x60’) will explore the lives of three individuals all born on the same day - one of whom is now a famous figure, the others ordinary people but with extraordinary stories to tell, and none of whom know each other - to reveal how their lives have unfolded in unexpected directions.

The series will use the contrasting experiences of very different individuals and through their moving, personal perspectives provide a unique and powerful exploration of contemporary British social history.

Blending interviews, personal archive and emotional revisits to people and places which have changed them, each programme combines the three individuals’ personal stories with the major historical events they have all lived through, revealing their contrasting experiences of the same events and the unseen intersections between their lives.

Rob Coldstream, Commissioning Editor, C4, says: “Born On is a fresh, exciting new way to explore Britain’s contemporary social history through the powerful personal stories of individuals and their very different experiences of the same historical events.”

Laura Mansfield, MD, Outline Productions, says: “Bridget and I fell in love with this deceptively simple and format and knew we could bring it to life for British audiences. Born On is a new way to get under the skin of some of our best loved faces and see them from a different perspective and in the context of their peers, but also to uncover some truly remarkable people and unsung stories and gain a new insight into British social history.”

Noel Hedges, Executive Vice President of Content (EVP), DRG, adds: “At DRG we are committed to investing in groundbreaking content that will appeal to viewers around the world. We have a long standing relationship with NRK and a great deal of expertise in Nordic programming, and we are confident that the Born On format will achieve the same success in the UK that it has enjoyed in Norway.”

Executive Producers for Outline Productions are Laura Mansfield and Bridget Boseley, and the Series Producer is Mary Crisp. The series has been commissioned by Channel 4’s Rob Coldstream and Ralph Lee, Deputy Chief Creative Officer.

Born On was originally created by Norwegian production company Monster, part of the Nice Entertainment Group, for broadcaster NRK. The series has attracted a 32% share - nearly three times the channel average - since its launch earlier this year in Norway.


Press contact: Mark Ogle – OH Communications (for Outline Productions);

Melanie Webb – Premier (for DRG)