Channel 4 Daytime to follow the Great Escapers (w/t)

Category: News Release

As winter draws nearer, it is easy to see why more Brits than ever before are seeking new lives on the continent. Channel 4’s Head of Daytime, David Sayer has commissioned a brand new 25x60 series from True North which will follow expats from across the UK as they set up new lives across the continent.

Great Escapers will meet people as they pack up life as they know it in Britain, leaving their friends, families and careers behind to start afresh abroad. The series will follow a whole variety of businesses – from B & B’s in France to bars and restaurants in Spain. But, when they move to their new countries, there will be little time to relax as the expats start to pursue new careers, open businesses and pave a new life in an entirely new culture. And with almost 50% of all new businesses failing within the first year, the pressure is really on. 

Following all the highs and lows of uprooting to start a new life, ‘The Great Escapers’ (w/t) will join the expats at key moments in their move. Just how easy is it to start a new life and is the grass really greener on the other side?
Speaking on the commission, David Sayer said ‘this is a fresh new programme which follows the lives of people after they’ve committed to moving abroad, joining them as they settle in to the challenges, the pitfalls and the benefits of a dramatic life change.’. 
Jess Fowle said, ‘True North has real expertise following people through some of the most dramatic and pivotal moments in their lives.  Our Great Escapers are giving us an intimate insight into what it means to give up everything to try and make their dreams come true and it’s a privilege to go on that journey with them’.
Production Information Commissioning Editor: Head of Daytime, David Sayer Executive Producer: Jess Fowle Production Company: True North