Channel 4 eats with the nation in Britain at Dinner

Category: News Release

Channel 4 has commissioned a new fixed rig Features format Britain at Dinner, which will take a fly-on-the-wall look at how we cook and eat as a nation while providing  an insight into the very  heart and soul of British life.

The kitchen is the epicentre of many households and this format will reveal what people are really rustling up behind closed kitchen doors, as well as capturing the battles over who’s ‘head chef’ and what we discuss, between mouthfuls, at dinner tables in every corner of British society.

Britain at Dinner will pull up a chair and  live meal-by-meal with a smorgasbord of extraordinarily ‘foodie’ families from obsessive amateur chefs and competitive home cooks to families who spend all day in the kitchen feeding their super-sized families.  The format will reveal the meals we love to cook as a nation, as well as showing the part food plays in home life and how relationships are often tested in the heat of the kitchen.

Britain at Dinner has been commissioned by Channel 4 Features Head Gill Wilson and will be produced by Mayfly Television.  Marcus Stephenson will executive produce the format which will air on Channel 4 this year.

Gill Wilson:  “Britain at Dinner is a warm-hearted, comical, quirky and, at times, extreme social portrait of the British kitchen in 2014.  The  kitchen is where food is prepared and stories are shared making it the perfect place to locate a Features format.”

Marcus Stephenson: “The format is about food’s purpose at home beyond nutrition. Food is the force that brings families together and the kitchen is a focal point for household interaction, so being a fly on the kitchen wall is a real portal to funny and touching moments of British home life”


Production Information:

Executive Producer:  Marcus Stephenson

Production Company: Mayfly TV

Commissioner, Features: Gill Wilson