Channel 4 to explore vanity among young men in The Perfect Man w/t

Category: News Release

Channel 4 Education has commissioned a 1x60’ documentary, The Perfect Man (wt), to examine the rise in vanity among young men in modern Britain.  Increased popularity of social media has meant sharing ‘selfies’ has become common place with young men sharing twice as many selfies as women the same age. Surprisingly it’s men, not women, who are proving themselves to be the far vainer sex
Gyms across Britain have seen a surge in teen boys attempting to become ‘hench’, shredded and ripped’ and teen body building is booming, with competitions in vogue for this age category.   Grooming and beauty treatments such as eyebrow waxing, blow dries and make-up, more commonly associated with women,  are now being embraced by young men who are spending nearly as much as women on beauty products..
Inevitably the internet is playing a key part in this change of behaviour. A thriving industry of YouTubers are making their living from vlogging about their lifestyles and fitness regimes to an audience of keen young followers.  As body image becomes more and more important to young men, teens in particular are seeking constant approval online, encouraging each other to look better, bigger and even browner in their pursuit of the perfect body.  
The Perfect Man (wt) was commissioned by Channel 4 Education commissioning editor Emily Jones. The programme will be made by Voltage TV with executive producer Danny Horan and Produced and Directed by Lana Salah and will TX later this year.