Channel 4 first UK broadcaster to launch dedicated second screen app

Category: News Release

New companion app launches in beta phase to C4 registered users


Channel 4 launches a brand new second screen companion app later this year as part of its on-going Viewer Engagement Strategy – the first UK broadcaster to develop a dedicated centralised app to accompany its channels and programming.


The app will be launched into beta phase to Channel 4’s registered users with the working title of 4Now.  The opportunity to beta test the new product is one of the benefits of registration offered to Channel 4’s registered users – who will have the chance to provide feedback on the product as part of its on-going development, including naming the app.


4Now will offer an always-on, centralised destination for synchronised experiences, enabling registered viewers to access additional content for the programmes they’re watching across the Channel 4 portfolio – including programme information, social media activity and interactive content like real-time polls, votes and quizzes.


Going forward, 4Now will also include exclusive content and a range of interactive experiences, including play-along games, designed to be enjoyed whilst watching specific TV programmes.


Channel 4 will be working closely with its advertising partners to develop and trial new advertising formats and commercial opportunities for 4Now – with the app supporting interactive sponsorship opportunities and audio-triggered, real time advertising that is synchronised with ads on the main screen.


4Now is the latest development in Channel 4’s strategy of developing a two-way relationship with its audience and enhancing data capture opportunities. Channel 4 currently has over eight million registered users – which includes one in three of all 16-24 year olds in the UK.


Keith Underwood, Director of Strategy & Technology at Channel 4 said: “Channel 4 has a long history of delivering innovative new technology projects. As a centralised product destination, 4Now allows us to enhance our relationship with viewers and enables us to offer them a range of interactive, synchronised experiences for shows which may not have warranted a standalone application. Additionally, it enables us to drive further commercial opportunities for our advertising partners.


“The beta phase launch is also an incredibly exciting opportunity for our registered users to get involved in shaping the development of the product – part of the two-way relationship we have with our viewers.”


Following the results of testing during the beta phase, Channel 4 will continue to evolve the product functionality and aims to fully-launch 4Now to consumers later this year. The app will initially be available on iOS with other platforms being considered for future launch.


Recent synchronised second-screen successes for Channel 4 include the Million Pound Drop play-along app; and this year’s C4 HorseTracker app, which allowed users to track the position and speed of their horse in The Grand National.

