Channel 4 to give Benefits Street residents The Last Word

Category: News Release

Following the immense reaction to the series Benefits Street, Channel 4’s Head of Documentaries Nick Mirsky has commissioned a 1 x 30 minute follow-up documentary from Love Productions which will give some of the residents of James Turner Street the chance to discuss their experiences of being on benefits and their perspectives on the welfare system. Benefits Street: The Last Word which will be broadcast on Monday 17th February at 8.30pm and will feature interviews with a number of the key contributors to the series.

Nick Mirsky says: “ I am really pleased that we are able to give some of the residents of James Turner Street the chance to reflect on the benefits system and to set up our debate on the issues behind the series.  We have spent the last few weeks following their stories.  Now it is time to hear more of their views and thoughts.” 

Following the programme, Channel 4 will broadcast Benefits Britain: The Debate – which will move from its original slot on Monday 10th February into a peak time 9pm slot on Monday 17th.   Chaired by broadcaster Richard Bacon, this special live and interactive debate will shine a spotlight on the range of issues brought to the fore by the series. With questions and contributions from a studio audience and a panel, yet to be confirmed, representing views across the political spectrum – including those who claim benefits and were involved in the series.

Commissioned by Channel 4's Head of Special Programmes Ed Havard, Benefits Britain: The Debate will be produced by Mentorn Media which has a proven track record in producing live topical debate programmes including Question Time and The Big Questions for BBC One and Free Speech for BBC Three.