Channel 4 launch four new innovative video ad formats for advertisers

Category: News Release

Channel 4's Digital Ad Sales team have released four new enhanced video ad formats to the advertising market, growing the creative suite of online video formats that Channel 4 offers on 4OD to drive audience interactivity and engagement.

Four new ad formats will be offered to advertisers by Channel 4 -Ad Pause, Ad Extend, Ad Link and Ad Mix - providing advertisers with even more innovative opportunities to interact with the audience.

For the first time ever, Ad Pause offers advertisers the opportunity to be the exclusive pause partner across each genre of 4OD. Each time a viewer presses pause, an advertiser's animated or static ad will fill the player and remain on screen until the user resumes play or exits.

Ad Extend enables advertisers to showcase longer length ads on 4OD with this new click to long play format - perfect for film clients. During an ad of up to 40 seconds on 4OD, a static button remains over the video offering viewers the chance to view the full length ad without leaving the 4OD player.

Ad Link allows advertisers to make their pre-roll ads on 4OD work even harder by introducing an interactive toolbar offering viewers a range of calls to action including: Contact Us; Facebook; Twitter; Find your local store; Share with friends; and Buy now.

And Ad Mix offers advertisers the option to combine any of Channel 4's 4OD enhanced video ad formats or even create something completely new, tailored to each client's needs.

These new ad formats follow the success of existing video ad enhancements - Ad Elect launched in December 2010, and Ad Social, Ad Interact and Ad Bloom launched in September last year.

Mr Kipling, Mikado, H&M Marni, McCain, Red Bull, L'Oreal, Cadburys, Marks and Spencer, HTC and Adidas are just some of the brands that have carried campaigns through these video ad formats.

Jonathan Allan, Channel 4's Sales Director, said: "As the leading commercial On Demand platform, Channel 4 is continually exploring new ways to engage with our viewers through content and advertising. These new video formats, which complement our established and highly successful enhanced video ad formats, showcase Channel 4 as the most innovative broadcaster in the advertising marketplace."