Channel 4 sends Hugh on a Scandinavian Adventure

Category: News Release

In recent years Britain has gone wild for everything Scandinavian their drama, furniture, fashion and even food.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall sets out on a Scandinavian odyssey to find if they are possibly the happiest people on earth?

This three-part series, Hugh’s Scandinavian Adventure, sees him delve into the culture, explore the outstanding landscapes, taste the delectable cuisines and admire the innovative architecture and designs.

In Denmark, Hugh will learn how to cook in the kitchens of one of the world’s best restaurants, Noma with head chef René Redzepi.  He’ll be discussing the idea of ‘hedonistic sustainability’ with architect Bjarke Ingels and heading to the ‘carbon neutral’ island of Samso to climb a wind turbine before cooking up a ‘New Nordic Cooking’ feast with his friend, chef Kasper Gaard. 

Sweden is the international face of Scandinavia and its brands are famous across the world, from IKEA to ABBA, Absolut vodka and Volvo.   It’s a country where there’s 16 months parental leave and kids go to ‘forest schools’ from the age of three to connect with nature.  Hugh explores the notion that with the recent riots in Stockholm,  the ‘Swedish model’ of equality and prosperity may be under threat. 

Norway, once the poor cousin of Scandinavia,  is now the richest of the three countries thanks to massive oil reserves that mean the government now has a $760 billion reserve fund.  Hugh will explore the stunning mountains and fjords that gave the world skiing and he’ll discover how the unique geography allows the country to produce 99% of its electricity from hydropower.   Hugh will also explore the ways in which fishing and adventure have always been central to Norwegian life and culture.


Production Information:

Presented and written by:

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall 

Executive Producers:

Nick Shearman 

Andrew Palmer 

Series Producer

Stephen Leigh 

Series Director:

Neil Ferguson

Number of episodes: 3 x 60

Commissioning Editor, Factual Entertainment & Features:  Kate Teckman