Channel 4 tops shortlist for Broadcast Awards 2016

Category: News Release

The shortlist for the Broadcast awards 2016 was announced last night, with Channel 4 securing a really rather wonderful 27 nominations. This put the broadcaster “comfortably ahead” (Broadcast’s words, not ours) “of BBC1’s 17, and 10 each for BBC2 and ITV.”

We would list every Channel 4 programme nominated, but it would take too long, and frankly, there probably isn’t enough room on the internet. Also, we’re too busy (Come Dine with Me doesn’t watch itself, you know?!) But special mention to the marvellous The Tribe, the fabulous Cyberbully, and the incandescent No Offence, all of which have been nominated in two categories. If you’re so inclined, the entire list of nominations is here. (Warning – other broadcasters do occasionally feature).

That’s pretty much it from us. This feels a bit short. Um. Due to get cold over the weekend. What would you have in your ideal sandwi (That’s enough – Ed)


Notes to editors:

About the awards:

The awards will take place at the Dog and Duck, Hounslow, on 1st January 2016 at 00:01. Failing that, they’ll be at the Grosvenor house Hotel on 10th February.


About Channel 4

Channel 4 rocks.


About cockroaches

Cockroaches can live for several weeks with their heads cut off.