Channel 4 wins two Roses d'Or (or Rose d'Ors, whatevs!)

Category: News Release

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Pah, only if it’s a golden one, Shakey-baby!

At last night’s Rose d’Or awards (or Golden Rose awards as we used to call them before we all apparently became French) Channel 4 won TWO awards. Now, two doesn’t sound very many, I’ll grant you. If we’d won two BAFTAs, we’d probably be a bit gutted. If we’d got audience figures of two, we’d be in serious trouble. Two is not a very big number.

But nor is six. And there were only six TV categories in last night’s awards, and they are global awards. That means we were up against everything from Ecuadorean Countdown to Bhutanese X Factor. So little old Channel 4 won precisely one third of the global TV awards on offer last night. Check us out!

The awards, for outstanding achievement for the best and most creative TV worldwide, went to Toast (in the Sitcom category) and Gogglebox (in the Reality and factual Entertainment category).