Character biogs for The Hood Maker

Category: News Release


Ross is a Clearance Agent tasked with finding and stopping the Hood Maker. He is paired with Honor, a telepath known as a Teep. Teeps are treated like second class citizens, and Ross – like most Normals – views them with some disdain. However, working intimately with Honor will force him to see her in a whole new light. But Ross is harboring a secret that threatens to destroy everything:….


Honor is a telepath, known as a Teep and are treated as a second class citizens and forced to work for the benefit of Normals. Honor is assigned to Agent Ross to help track down the Hood Maker. She does not trust Normals, Agent Ross included, but working in close quarters with him will make her revaluate her trust issues but Honor will learn the shattering consequence of trusting someone completely.  


Mary is a prostitute forced to use her telepathy to dig out the depraved sexual desires of Normals. Going so ‘deep’ takes a toll and Mary is emotionally brutalised by the desires of Franklyn: a high-ranking official in the Free Union. Mary becomes a figurehead in the rebellion against the enslavement of Teeps and a leader in the fight against Normals.


A tall, handsome, dignified man. Franklyn is a high-ranking figure in the Free Union, but his use of Teep sex workers to raid his sexually depraved mind will have serious consequences.


More corporate than the shabbier Ross., Okhile is Ross’s Senior Clearance Agent. It is Okhile who forces Ross to work with Honor and try to find the Hood Maker before it is too late.


The Hood Maker himself, who’s grey face and anxious tics are a symptom of lurking in the shadows for so long., believes in the sanctity of secrets and feels Teeps are an invasion of a God given right to privacy.


Leader of an anarchist cell that believes the Anti-Immunity Bill, which gives Clearance Agents the right to read people’s minds without consent, is a step too far. He wears a Hood in the protest march that sparks Honor and Ross off on their mission to bring the Hood Maker to justice.


Ross and Honor’s investigation lead them to Carmichael, but he is harbouring a lot of secrets and so Honor is forced to raid his mind.