Conservation at Chester Zoo

Category: News Release


Chester Zoo spends a total of more than £17.6 million on our charitable objectives. (2014)

This includes almost £3.5 million (£3,497,375) on conservation of endangered animal and plant species, both in the zoo and in the wild. (2014)

We currently support around 100 conservation projects around the globe.

Our programmes are split up into six geographical regions under each of our programmes we support projects in several different countries:

South Asia- India, Nepal and China.

South East Asia - Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Latin America - Ecuador and Brazil.

Mascarenes and Madagascar - Mauritius and Madagascar.

Africa - Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

UK and Europe –with projects in England, Wales, Scotland and Bermuda (UK territories are included under UK).

In the last twelve months, 25 members of staff have been on 22 overseas field trips to our field projects and partners.

Since Chester Zoo’s involvement with the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation’s Mauritian fody project, the species has been re-classified according to the IUCN redlist. It was downgraded in 2009 from critically endangered to endangered, meaning that there has been a significant population increase.

Our Assam Haathi project in India is working to protect Asian elephants and the people that live with them. We work with 78 villages in Assam and, since the installation and usage of electric fences around crops and villages, there has been negligible or no loss of crops, housing or lives – both elephant and human.


Threatened Species

Number of species we have at the zoo that are listed by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) as…

1. Vulnerable to extinction-Total: 44

2. Endangered- Total: 44

3. Critically endangered- Total:29

4. Extinct in the wild - Total: 5

Number of individual animals we have at the zoo that are listed as…

1. Vulnerable to extinction- Total: Over 500

2. Endangered- Total: Around 500

3. Critically endangered- Total: Over 900

4. Extinct in the wild- Total: Over 850