Cucumber and Banana

Category: News Release

Cucumber - Thursdays at 9pm, Channel 4


Episode One
Henry and Lance are happy and settled, but when they embark on a disastrous Date Night, life will never be the same again. At work, Henry is drawn to the enigmatic Freddie Baxter, while Lance greets a newcomer, Daniel – but both new friendships are set on a course to explode.

Episode Two
Henry begins his new life, but Freddie marks out the battle lines - can they ever be friends, let alone anything more? Lance tries to work out where Henry’s gone, and enlists Cleo’s help, but only Cliff is devious enough to work out the truth – and when Henry’s workplace becomes a battleground, the stakes are raised higher than ever.

Episode Three
Henry stumbles into a dangerous trap when Freddie meets his old school teacher, Gregory, and sets out for revenge. Lance takes action and cuts Henry off completely, while at work, Daniel’s attempts to help seem to hint at something more. Is Lance imagining things, or is Daniel not as straight as he seems?