Cutting Edge meets elite London rental agency, Capital Living

Category: News Release


Channel 4 has commissioned a documentary looking into the world of an elite London property ‘club’ offering house shares in exclusive homes to ‘people like us’, operating as a ‘social network for living’, ensuring that members only ever room with people just like them. In Capital Living (w/t) we explore the rental company marketed to young, single, social & beautiful people, with ruthless vetting procedures. If you don’t make the grade don’t expect an interview, you’re likely to be ‘binned’ and fall at the first hurdle.

Living in the country’s capital is notoriously difficult, high house prices, expensive rent and thousands of potential different flatmates. In 2014 the number of people being forced to rent is the highest in a generation, and the soaring house prices are creating ever lowering living standards. Thirty year old entrepreneur Adam Goff is attempting to revolutionise the face of the London rental market. He has created an exclusive high-end living club for London’s elite, Capital Living. Adam is an award-winning entrepreneur, who is cashing in on the anxiety renters experience when they are forced to share with people they don’t know.  As fewer young people are able to buy, Adam has spotted an ever increasing gap in the market, targeting aspirational young renters who wear the post-code that they live in as a badge of honour.

At Capital Living, Adam has created a new way of living for young professionals in London. Far from being just a tenant who rents a room, Capital Living invite you to embrace their ethos and become a member of a ready- made social network – club nights, social events, and access to a real-life ‘Made in Chelsea’ lifestyle.


But access to this lifestyle isn’t open to everyone – with the help of membership manager Rich, Capital Living implement a firm procedure to strictly guard access to this elite living club. The requirements are very specific and result in 96% of candidates being turned away.

Adam has a keen sense of who will fit in and who will make other housemates feel uncomfortable, "You have to speak fluent English because wouldn't you want to live with someone who spoke your language. We're not an English school, so it’s not for us to help people learn English". Rich is also keen that new members don’t dilute the brand in terms of being sociable. “We look for people that want to live in an outgoing and sociable environment. We only rent to people that would really live with ourselves. Because we only rent to outgoing and sociable people, most people that are outgoing and sociable tend to be good looking. That's just how it is".

Modelling himself on his heroes; Lord Sugar, Steve Jobs and Barack Obama, Adam wears his uniform of a white shirt and chinos to work every day. Through motivational speeches, ‘Apprentice’ style training courses and a smattering of inspirational quotes we watch as Adam attempts to turn Capital Living into a household name. But as the business grows standards start to slip, the age range of the tenants is overlooked, the houses are falling apart and it’s questionable whether or not there is any substance behind the glossy image.

Will Adam manage to transform the London rental market? Or will his elitist attitude alienate the residents of such a multi-cultural and diverse city?


Production Information:

Producer and Director: Miles Blayden-Ryall
Executive Producer: Ravinder Chahal and Karen O’Connor

Production Company: Special Edition Films
Commissioner: Emma Cooper