Date My Porn Star

Category: News Release

Watching porn has never been as easy.  With hardcore sexual imagery just a click away, more and more people, of all ages, are accessing porn. For many it forms not only part of their sex life, but can become a daily or even hourly fixture.

In this documentary, part of the Campaign for Real Sex, three British porn obsessives explore the boundaries between sexual fantasy and reality as they travel to the heart of the porn industry in Los Angeles to meet their favourite adult movie stars.  The film follows them to see if too much reality will burst their porn bubble or if their encounters will only serve to fuel their sexual fantasies.

Arriving in California, Jonathan, Kevin and Danny are anticipating the trip of a lifetime.  As well as meeting their porn idols, however, the men get more than they bargained for as they are faced with a darker and less glamorous side of porn.

Seeing their porn idols in action on set, albeit mechanical and devoid of emotion, is enticing. But when they discuss their life outside of their work – and the value of real and lasting relationships – it comes as a surprise for the men. On visiting a low-end porn studio and witnessing a casting conveyer belt of wannabe porn stars, followed by a deeply degrading porn orgy for female actors transmitted live on the internet, the men really begin to question their views. The final meeting with an ex-porn star – hearing her candid, harrowing story, could be the final tipping point for Jonathan, Kevin and Danny.

Exposed to the challenging realities of the industry, can the men continue reconciling their sexual fantasies with their experiences in porn-land?

Forty-year-old Jonathan was 20 when he was involved in a car accident. He is now paraplegic, but hasn’t let his disability get in the way of his sex life – describing himself as very sexually active. Jonathan’s perfect partner would need to share his appetite for porn, but lasting relationship has been hard to find and he has been engaged five times. Up close and personal with one of his favourite stars, Liverpudlian Tanya Tayte, Jonathan is challenged to reconcile the on-screen star with a real woman. The self-confessed “lothario of East London”, 20-year-old Kevin claims to have slept with 65 women and when he isn’t out chasing girls, he’s at home watching them on screen. When he meets US porn superstar, Jessica Jaymes, Kevin discovers a savvy business woman behind the veneer. In her private life Jessica is also entirely monogamous and gives Kevin a different perspective on his attitude sex. Five years ago, 23-year-old bar man Danny, from, Suffolk discovered American adult movie star Cody Cummings. Cody became Danny’s idol and also the inspiration to take the first steps into the porn industry himself. Danny believes Cody is bisexual and seeing him perform in the flesh is a dream come true. But on getting to know each other, Cody has a revelation that makes Danny question his own ambitions to become a porn star.

Prod Co: Renegade Pictures

Exec Prod: Alan Hayling
Prod/Dir: Moby Longinotto
Comm Ed: Emma Cooper