Deal or No Deal crowns first ever male quarter millionaire

Category: News Release

Today Patrick ‘Paddy’ Roberts from Wigan became the first man to win £250,000 on Deal or No Deal - and only the sixth person ever in the eight year history of the show to walk away with the top prize.

In an incredible show which saw the 18 year-old turn down a final offer of £140,000, Paddy made history by doing what no man before has achieved on the show and walked away with quarter of a million pounds.

Paddy who works as a shop assistant in his Mum’s sandwich shop had hoped to win enough money to invest in business and learn how to drive and get a car. During his game he even wrote down that the amount he wanted to win in order to achieve these dreams was just £18,000.

It was an uneventful start to the game and by the end of Paddy’s third round, having taken out six blues and five red boxes, it seemed that he was close to dealing when The Banker offered him £17,000. But it wasn’t enough to tempt him. The Banker guessed that Paddy might have been aiming for £20,000, so in traditional Banker style offered him £19,999. But by this point a resolute Paddy was convinced that he had the £250,000 on the table and was determined to continue.

After an incredible all blue selection after which he turned down £40,000 and then eliminating all but the £75,000 and the £250,000 and declining a huge offer of £140,000, Paddy opted to keep his original box and waited for Noel to reveal his winnings.

As the Dream Factory waited with bated breath, Noel opened the box, the confetti exploded, and the Dream Factory erupted in celebration of Paddy’s victory. After 2301 games, Deal or No Deal crowned its first ever male quarter millionaire.

Paddy said: “A lot of it is a blur but I remember that whilst waiting for Noel to open the box it was like my insides had frozen. Being on Deal or No Deal was the best experience of my life and I have made some lifelong friends.”

Since winning £250,000 on Deal or No Deal Paddy is now learning to drive and has bought himself a car, plus he has donated some money to the charity which helped the son of a fellow Deal or No Deal player who was diagnosed with cancer. Paddy will be returning to catering college soon and hopes to fulfil his dream of opening his own restaurant.