Deam Smith

Category: News Release

AGE: 24

OCCUPATION: Haridresser

LIVES IN: London


Dean is a hairdresser from London. He has always loved looking good and making others look good too. He freely admits that he often changes his outfits four or five times before he leaves the house, and always carries a supply of hair products with him. A big challenge for Dean will be cutting off from technology; he is a self confessed Facebook addict he is never far away from his iPhone.

Dean's Dad is Romany Gypsy, and he grew up between sites and houses with his Mum. When he came out a couple of years ago he was very nervous, but has been accepted by his family. He thinks that people will judge him for being a gay hairdresser; he wants to prove them wrong and show that he can sruvive on the island.


Q: What did you learn taking part in the series?

A: I learnt so many things on the island, it's better than school! I learnt about myself and the msot important thing I learnt was you can do anything you put your mind to: dream it, see it, and believe it babes!

Q: What is the key thing you will take away from your time on the island?

A: No matter where you're from, what your job is, what sexual preference, everybody is the same.

Q: Has your time on the island changed your perspective on life?

A: I've learned life's too short to care about silly things or silly people.