Derek S2 - An interview with Colin Hoult

Category: News Release

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Q: What attracted you to Derek?

A: Two words: Ricky Gervais. I’m a huge fan. I worked with him before on Life’s Too Short. I was doing scenes with Keith Chegwin, Shaun Williamson and Les Dennis, and it is one of the most fun things I’ve ever done.


Q: Please outline your character in Derek for us.

A: Geoff is not the nicest character, which will come as a bit of a shocker in a programme based on kindness. But hopefully viewers will eventually warm to him because he has a big vulnerability that people will spot.


Q: Is he a case of arrested development, then?

A: Yes. Geoff is basically a little boy who has never grown up or had to deal with people. He picks on people, but he’s actually quite scared. He likes to lord it over people, but that’s never got him anywhere. Kev says to him, “You’re a right knob”, and he’s right. But it’s hard to play a knob because a knob doesn’t know he’s a knob.


Q: Do you play him as a baddie?

A: No. I don’t play up Geoff’s nastiness. He’s not overly malevolent. He just thinks, “I don’t get old people”. He is the voice of people who mouth bigoted opinions without thinking. He’s like certain newspapers – he comes at things from that place. He comes out with a lot of prejudiced views that people hold about benefits “spongers”. Geoff is quite challenging to play because he is clearly not someone you would want to be. Hopefully audiences will see that. Is he based on people I know? Yes, but obviously I can’t say who!


Q: How would you describe Ricky as a director?

A: He lets you do your own thing. He’s a very loose. You’re allowed to go all over the place. He encourages a lot of improvisation, which he really likes. That’s a joyous feeling because Ricky is also a comedian. In addition, he likes to leave early and have lunch early. Every morning he says, “How can it only be 10 o’clock?” So he has the same mentality as everyone else on set.


Q: What distinguishes Derek from other sitcoms?

A: The idea of kindness makes it stand out. There’s nothing like it. When Ricky offered this to me, I watched the first series in one go. Its astonishing warmth marked it out. Also my mum loves it. She wasn’t a big fan of The Office, but she adores Derek. It’s great that it appeals right across the board. I think the show is brilliant. But I haven’t said that to Ricky – he doesn’t need any more encouragement!