Derek S2 - An interview with David Earl

Category: News Release

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Q: Where do we find Kev at the start of the new series?

A: He’s back to his old self. He goes for a job interview as a caretaker at the nursing home. He tries to clean himself up and make a difference, but all the same, you can’t really employ him. He’s quite sweet, but unemployable!


Q: How would you characterise him?

A: He’s like a dog in the corner of the nursing home. People just accept that there’s this mangy looking mutt there. He needs a good stroke. During the course of this series, he reveals a deep self-loathing. We also meet his brother. He’s not great – he makes Kev look normal!


Q: How does the relationship between Kevin and Derek develop?

A: They become best mates. Kev is looking out for Derek now. He is like an older brother to him. They’re a double act. Kev hasn’t got anyone else. He looks up to Derek and admires the way deals with other people. At one point, Kev steps up to the plate and tries to sort things out for Derek. It’s very touching.


Q: Why has the show resonated with audiences?

A: People have latched on to the series because it is so warm. It also keeps shifting in tone. You need that because the show can’t be 100 percent about kindness. You have to have a bit of dirt thrown in. Kevin will give you a bit of dirt to provide relief for viewers from all the kindness!


Q: Does the focus on kindness make the show stand out?

A: Yes. It’s unusual in this cynical age to have a programme extolling kindness. Maybe comedy and kindness don’t normally go hand-in-hand, but Ricky has found a great way of achieving it.


Q: What has the fans’ response to the show been?

A: On Twitter, it’s been 100 percent positive. They’re always really nice about the programme, and that’s lovely. People also come up to me on the street and say how much they adore the show. That’s really nice, too. But that has only happened in the last month since I’ve grown Kev’s moustache again. Before that, it was quite pleasant to walk around in disguise!


Q: If asked, would you like to return from third series?

A: Without a doubt, I’d love to come back. I can see Kev finding love because you wouldn’t expect that. It would be nice to give him a happy ending.


Q: What’s been like working with Ricky?

A: It’s been brilliant. He’s the funniest bloke I’ve ever met. He’s just been telling me about another comedian who never turns off and is constantly funny – Ricky really wants look at himself! He gives me so much opportunity to play as Kev. It doesn’t feel like a job at all!


Q: How similar are you to Kev?

A: I don’t do any of the pervy things that he does. I’m not like him at all, thank God!